Antarctic Petrel

Antarctic Petrel / Thalassoica antarctica

Antarctic Petrel

Here the details of the Antarctic Petrel named bird below:

SCI Name:  Thalassoica antarctica
Protonym:  Procellaria antarctica Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.565
Taxonomy:  Procellariiformes / Procellariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  antpet1
Type Locality:  within the Antarctic Circle between lat. 36° S. and 61° S.
Publish Year:  1789
IUCN Status:  


(Procellariidae; Ϯ Antarctic Petrel T. antarctica) Gr. θαλασσα thalassa,  θαλασσης thalassēs  sea; οικος oikos  dwelling  < οικεω oikeō  to inhabit;  "Genera et Species typicae.  ...  c. α. *Thalassoica Rchb. antarctica (Proc. — Gray) Rchb.  Ic. Av. t. 22. ic. 790—792." (Reichenbach 1853); "180. Thalassoica, Reich. (Daption, Steph. - Procellaria, Hombr. et Jacq.)  Rostrum modicum, crassum quam in congeneribus valde longiore et debiliore.   M. antarct.  2.   1. PROCELLARIA glacialoides, Smith.   ...   2. PROCELLARIA antarctica, Gm." (Bonaparte 1857); "Thalassoica Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., 1852 (1853), p. iv. Type, by original designation, Procellaria antarctica Gmelin." (Peters 1931, I, 51).
Var. Thalassoeca.
Synon. Aeipetes.

antarctica / antarcticus
L. antarcticus  southern, antarctic  < Gr. ανταρκτικος antarktikos  antarctic  < αντι anti  opposite; αρκτος arktos  north.
● Tierra del Fuego; ex “Antarctic Goose” of Latham 1785 (syn. Chloephaga hybrida).
● Antarctic Ocean; ex “Procellaria glacialis, var. β” of Latham 1790 (syn. Fulmarus glacialoides).
● "The vast Island or rather Continent of Australia, Australasia, or New Holland ... Antarctic Pigeon ... Its most distinguishing character is the elegant semi-pendent occipital crest" (Shaw 1794) (Lopholaimus).
● Falklands Is., New Zealand and New Holland; ex “Statenland Eagle” of Latham 1781 (syn. Phalcoboenus australis).
● Within the Antarctic Circle between lat. 36º S and 61º S; ex “Petrel brun et blanc” of de Bougainville 1771, “Antarctic Peteril” of Cook 1777, and Latham 1785, and “Pétrel Antarctique” or “Damier brun” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Thalassoica).