Heuglin’s Bustard

Heuglin\'s Bustard / Neotis heuglinii

Heuglin's Bustard

Here the details of the Heuglin's Bustard named bird below:

SCI Name:  Neotis heuglinii
Protonym:  Otis heuglinii Ibis p.344 pl.11
Taxonomy:  Otidiformes / Otididae /
Taxonomy Code:  heubus1
Type Locality:  Near the wells of Thushha, between ZeUa and Harar.
Publish Year:  1859
IUCN Status:  


(Otididae; Ϯ Ludwig's Bustard N. ludwigii) Gr. νεος neos  new, different; ωτις ōtis, ωτιδος ōtidos  bustard; "NEOTIS, gen. n.  Simile generi "Lissotis" dicto, sed rostro longiore, culmine digitum medium cum ungue excedente.  Typus est Neotis ludwigi (Rüpp.)" (Sharpe 1893).

heuglini / heuglinii
Martin Theodor von Heuglin (1824-1876) German mining engineer, ornithologist, explorer in the Sudan, Abyssinia, Eritrea and Somaliland 1851-1864, and the Arctic 1870-1871 (subsp. Alcedo semitorquata, subsp. Argya rubiginosa, syn. Batis orientalis, syn. Butastur rufipennis, syn. Centropus monachus fischeri, Cossypha, syn. Cuculus solitarius, subsp. Dendropicos obsoletus, subsp. Larus fuscus, subsp. Merops hirundineusNeotis, Oenanthe, Ploceus, syn. Pternistis clappertoni, syn. Zosterops senegalensis).