Black-capped Donacobius

Black-capped Donacobius / Donacobius atricapilla

Black-capped Donacobius

Here the details of the Black-capped Donacobius named bird below:

SCI Name:  Donacobius atricapilla
Protonym:  [Turdus] atricapilla Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.295
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Donacobiidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bkcdon
Type Locality:  Habitat ad Cap b. spei, error. Eastern Brazil substituted as type locality bv Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 4.
Publish Year:  1766
IUCN Status:  


(Donacobiidae; Ϯ Donacobius D. atricapilla) Gr. δοναξ donax, δονακος donakos  reed; βιος bios  mode of life  < βιοω bioō  to live; "DONACOBIUS vociferans. Babbling Thrush   ....   It is seldom that the notes of the feathered race are absolutely disagreeable, but we never remember to have heard a bird with a voice of such outstanding discord, as that now before us. Its particular note, if note it could be called, we do not now recollect; but it was so shrill, grating, and monotinous, that we have frequently rushed out of the house, to drive away the babbling disturbers. This happened at the hospitable residence of our friend Mr. Pinches, of Pernambucco, whose house was close by a small swamp, overgrown with reeds, among which these birds delight to dwell; and which in fact, they never quit" (Swainson 1832); "Donacobius Swainson, 1832, Zool. Illus., ser. 2, 2, text to plate 72. Type, by monotypy, Donacobius vociferans Swainson = Turdus atricapilla Linnaeus." (Davis & Miller in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 456).  The Donacobius was formerly and variously treated as belonging to the mockingbirds Mimidae (as the Black-capped Mockingthrush), the wrens Troglodytidae, or the thrushes Turdidae, before recent studies showed it to be an aberrant but distinct sylvioid.
Var. Donocobius.
Synon. Cichla.

L. atricapillus  black-haired (i.e. black-capped, black-headed) < ater  black; capillus  hair of the head (cf. L. atricapilla  unknown small bird, perhaps a tit or the Blackcap).
● ex “Merula atricapilla capitis b. spei” of Brisson 1760 (Donacobius).
● ex “Pato cabeza negra” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 438 (Heteronetta).
● ex “Tangara jaune à tête noire de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 809, fig. 2, “Mordoré” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Black-headed Tanager” of Latham 1783 (syn. Lanio fulvus).
● ? ex “Chinese Sparrow” of Edwards 1743, and “Grosbec de la Chine” of Brisson 1760 (Lonchura).
● ex “Merula viridis atricapilla Moluccensis” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Pitta sordida).
● ex “Atricapilla” or “Ficedula” of Aldrovandus 1599, and Willughby 1676, “Black-Cap” of Ray 1713, and “Motacilla testacea, subtus cinerea, pileo obscuro” of Linnaeus 1746 (Sylvia).
● ex “Black-crowned Bunting” of Latham 1783 (Zonotrichia).
● ex “Cap Nègre” of Levaillant 1804, pl. 140 (unident.).


Black-capped Donacobius (brachypterus)
SCI Name: Donacobius atricapilla brachypterus
Gr. βραχυπτερος brakhupteros  short-winged  < βραχυς brakhus  short; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing.
● ex “Pavaneur” of Levaillant 1802 (syn. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus).
● ex “Short-winged Thrush” of Latham 1801 (Dasyornis).
● ex “Loggerhead Goose” of Latham 1785 (Tachyeres).

Black-capped Donacobius (nigrodorsalis)
SCI Name: Donacobius atricapilla nigrodorsalis
L. niger black; dorsalis (properly dorsualis) dorsal, of the back < dorsum back.

Black-capped Donacobius (atricapilla)
SCI Name: Donacobius atricapilla atricapilla
L. atricapillus  black-haired (i.e. black-capped, black-headed) < ater  black; capillus  hair of the head (cf. L. atricapilla  unknown small bird, perhaps a tit or the Blackcap).
● ex “Merula atricapilla capitis b. spei” of Brisson 1760 (Donacobius).
● ex “Pato cabeza negra” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 438 (Heteronetta).
● ex “Tangara jaune à tête noire de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 809, fig. 2, “Mordoré” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Black-headed Tanager” of Latham 1783 (syn. Lanio fulvus).
● ? ex “Chinese Sparrow” of Edwards 1743, and “Grosbec de la Chine” of Brisson 1760 (Lonchura).
● ex “Merula viridis atricapilla Moluccensis” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Pitta sordida).
● ex “Atricapilla” or “Ficedula” of Aldrovandus 1599, and Willughby 1676, “Black-Cap” of Ray 1713, and “Motacilla testacea, subtus cinerea, pileo obscuro” of Linnaeus 1746 (Sylvia).
● ex “Black-crowned Bunting” of Latham 1783 (Zonotrichia).
● ex “Cap Nègre” of Levaillant 1804, pl. 140 (unident.).

Black-capped Donacobius (albovittatus)
SCI Name: Donacobius atricapilla albovittatus
albovittata / albovittatus
L. albus white; vittatus banded < vitta band.