Roraiman Nightjar

Roraiman Nightjar / Setopagis whitelyi

Roraiman Nightjar

Here the details of the Roraiman Nightjar named bird below:

SCI Name:  Setopagis whitelyi
Protonym:  Antrostomus whitelyi Ibis p.438
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Caprimulgidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rornig1
Type Locality:  Mt. Roraima, 3500 feet, British Guiana.
Publish Year:  1885
IUCN Status:  


(Caprimulgidae; Ϯ Little Nightjar S. parvula) Gr. σης sēs, σητος sētos  moth; παγις pagis  trap  < παγη pagē  snare  < πηγνυμι pēgnumi  to stick; "Setopagis gen. nov.   Type, Caprimulgus parvulus Gould.   Nearest Antrostomus, but differing in the relatively small bill, and in the adult male having a white patch on middle portion of primaries (none of the numerous species of Antrostomus being thus marked).   Σης, σητος, a moth; παγις, trap." (Ridgway 1912).
Synon. Tetroura.

whitelyana / whitelyi
Henry Whitely, Jr. (1844-1892) English collector in Japan and tropical America (syn. Amazilia brevirostris, syn. Delichon dasypus, syn. Elaenia cristataHeliodoxa, syn. Phaethornis bourcieri, Pipreola, Setopagis, Tangara).