Great Argus

Great Argus / Argusianus argus

Great Argus

Here the details of the Great Argus named bird below:

SCI Name:  Argusianus argus
Protonym:  Phasianus Argus Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.272
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  grearg1
Type Locality:  'Tartaria Chinensi,'' error = Sumatra.
Publish Year:  1766
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Great Argus A. argus) Gr. myth. Argos or Argus, the one-hundred-eyed guardian of Io; "ADDITIONS ET CORRECTIONS.  ...  pag. 69.  l. 33. -- Argus R. - lisez - Argusianus R." (Rafinesque 1815) (see Ganix); "INDEX OF GENERIC NAMES  ...   Argusianus, 496.16  ...  16 Rafinesque (1815). Synon. with Argus." (G. Gray 1849); "Argusianus Rafinesque, Analyse, 1815, p. 219.  New name for Argus Temminck, preoccupied. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, Phasianus argus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 132) (see S. Gregory 2011).
Var. Argusanus, Argusimus, Argusinius.
Synon. Argus, Bremus.

Gr. myth. Argus or Argos, the one-hundred-eyed guardian of Io slain by Mercury. After Argus’ death the goddess Hera transplanted his eyes to the tail of the peacock (syn. Amadina erythrocephala, Argusianus, Eurostopodus).

(Phasianidae; syn. Argusianus Great Argus A. argus) Gr. myth Argos or Argus, the one-hundred-eyed guardian of Io slain by Mercury; "GENUS ARGUS.   GENRE ARGUS.    ARGUS GIGANTEUS (Mas et Femina) Temm. Gal. —  Phasianus Argus Lath. Ind. v. 1. p. 629. (Mas) —  LE GRAND ARGUS OU LE LUEN des Iles de l'Archipel Indien (Male et Femmelle) Temm. Gall. v. 1. pl. Enl. — Le Luen Buff. Ois. v. 2. —  Argus Phesant Lath. Syn. v. 4. p. 710." (Temminck 1807); "Argus giganteus Mihi.  ...  Les ailes, dont la forme singulière vient de fixer notre attention, ont des pennes très larges, parsemées d'une quantite de miroirs ou yeux, ceux-ci fond le principal ornement de l'oiseau et lui ont valu le nom d'Argus." (Temminck 1813); "Argus Temminck, 1807, Cat. Systém. Cabinet d'Ornithologie, p. 149 (not of Bohadsch, 1761 (Mollusca), nor of Scopoli, 1763 (Lepidoptera), nor of Scopoli, 1777 (Lepidoptera)).  Type, by monotypy, Phasianus argus Lath., i.e. Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Argusa.


Great Argus (argus)
SCI Name: Argusianus argus argus
Gr. myth. Argus or Argos, the one-hundred-eyed guardian of Io slain by Mercury. After Argus’ death the goddess Hera transplanted his eyes to the tail of the peacock (syn. Amadina erythrocephala, Argusianus, Eurostopodus).

Great Argus (grayi)
SCI Name: Argusianus argus grayi
grayi / grayii
● John Edward Gray (1800-1875) English ornithologist (AmaziliaAmmomanopsis, Ardeola, Zosterops).
George Robert Gray (1808-1872) English ornithologist, first Assistant Keeper at BMNH 1869 (subsp. Anthus correndera, syn. Anthus novaeseelandiae, subsp. Argusianus argus, syn. Chaetops pycnopygius, syn. Chalcopsitta cardinalis, Chenorhamphus, syn. Cisticola exilis rusticus, subsp. Crax fasciolataEdolisoma, subsp. Leptocoma aspasia, Pipile, syn. Rallina tricolor, syn. Todiramphus chloris juliae, syn. Todiramphus chloris sordidusTurdus).
● John Edward Gray (1800-1875) and his brother George Robert Gray (1808-1872) English ornithologists (syn. Campephilus pollens).