Dark-crowned White-eye

Dark-crowned White-eye / Lophozosterops dohertyi

Dark-crowned White-eye

Here the details of the Dark-crowned White-eye named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lophozosterops dohertyi
Protonym:  Lophozosterops dohertyi Novit.Zool. 3 p.568
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Zosteropidae /
Taxonomy Code:  dacwhe1
Type Locality:  Tambora, Sumbawa.
Publish Year:  1896
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Heleia Ϯ Crested White-eye H. dohertyi) Gr. λοφος lophos  crest; genus Zosterops Vigors & Horsfield, 1826, white-eye; "Lophozosterops gen. nov.   A series of a pretty little bird from the mountain of Tambora cannot, without violence, be united with any genus known to us.  I am, therefore, obliged to create a new genus for its reception.  In its wing-formula it agrees best with Zosterops, to which genus it seems most nearly allied.  The nasal aperture is covered from above with a strong operculum, the beak rather strong and stout.  Tail shaped as in Zosterops.  Tarsus distinctly, though only about 4 mm., longer than middle toe with claw, and covered with seven or eight strongly marked scutellae.  Wing longer than tail.  Plumage soft and full, as in Zosterops.  Eye surrounded by a narrow ring of white feathers.  Head with a full crest.  Coloration above olive, below yellow; crested top of head of different colour, i.e. blackish brown with white streaks.   Type: Lophozosterops dohertyi.   *15. Lophozosterops dohertyi sp. nov.  ...  Hab. Volcano of Tambora [Sumbawa], 1000 to 3000 feet high." (Hartert 1896).

William Doherty (1857-1901) US traveller, explorer, entomologist, ornithologist, collector in India, Burma, Malaysia, the East Indies, the Philippines, New Guinea, and Kenya (syn. Dicrurus hottentottus guillemardi, Edolisoma, Erythropitta, Geokichla, subsp. Gerygone chrysogaster, Heleia, subsp. Loriculus philippensis, syn. Malurus cyanocephalus, syn. Mirafra africana athi, syn. Nigrita canicapillus diabolicus, subsp. Pitohui kirhocephalus, Ptilinopus, syn. Riparia paludicola ducis, syn. Tchagra australis emini, Telophorus).


Dark-crowned White-eye (dohertyi)
SCI Name: Lophozosterops dohertyi dohertyi
William Doherty (1857-1901) US traveller, explorer, entomologist, ornithologist, collector in India, Burma, Malaysia, the East Indies, the Philippines, New Guinea, and Kenya (syn. Dicrurus hottentottus guillemardi, Edolisoma, Erythropitta, Geokichla, subsp. Gerygone chrysogaster, Heleia, subsp. Loriculus philippensis, syn. Malurus cyanocephalus, syn. Mirafra africana athi, syn. Nigrita canicapillus diabolicus, subsp. Pitohui kirhocephalus, Ptilinopus, syn. Riparia paludicola ducis, syn. Tchagra australis emini, Telophorus).

Dark-crowned White-eye (subcristatus)
SCI Name: Lophozosterops dohertyi subcristatus
subcristata / subcristatus
L. sub  slightly, somewhat; cristatus  crested  < crista  crest.
● ex “Contramaestre capetillo ordinario” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 160 (Serpophaga).
● L. sub  near to; specific name Emberiza cristata Vigors, 1831 (= syn. Melophus lathami) (syn. Melophus lathami).
● L. sub  near to; specific name Colymbus cristatus Linnaeus, 1758 (syn. Podiceps grisegena).