Gray-throated Bulbul

Gray-throated Bulbul / Alophoixus frater

Gray-throated Bulbul

Here the details of the Gray-throated Bulbul named bird below:

SCI Name:  Alophoixus frater
Protonym:  Criniger frater Trans.Linn.Soc.London(2), 1 p. 334
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gytbul1
Type Locality:  Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
Publish Year:  1877
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Yellow-bellied Bulbul A. phaeocephalus) Gr. αλοφος alophos  without a crest  < negative prefix α- a- ; λοφος lophos  crest; genus Ixos Temminck, 1825, bulbul; "Genus ALOPHOIXUS, n. gen.  The bird for which I propose the above generic designation has hitherto been placed with Criniger.  It differs from that genus in entirely wanting a crest, a character of sufficient importance, in my estimation, to warrant its separation from Criniger, in which genus the crest is remarkably long and conspicuous.   268. Alophoixus phæocephalus.  The Crestless White-throated Bulbul." (Oates 1889); "Alophoixus Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, p. 259.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Ixos phaeocephalus Hartlaub." (Deignan in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 275).
Var. Alophoiscus, Alophoiseus, Alophoixos, Alphoiscus.

L. frater  brother (i.e. closely related).
● "CRINIGER FRATER, sp. n.  ♂ ad. affinis C. gutturali, sed pectore ochrascenti-flavo et subcaudalibus ochrascentibus distinguendus ... This new species is very closely allied to two others, viz. C. gutturalis and C. gularis, all of them having brown heads and olive-green backs" (Sharpe 1877) (Alophoixus).
● "The difference in color appears very slight.  I attach more importance to the discrepancies in size and proportions.  If the Pacific bird be really distinct from the American, it has probably yet to receive a name; for it is very different from the various species of Anous mostly described by Mr. Gould.  In that event, it may be called a ANOUS FRATER." (Coues 1862) (syn. Anous stolidus pileatus).
● "Schließt als dritte Form an C. rufopileata und soror sich an.  ...  Durch die allerdings nur undeutliche Fleckung des Rückens nähert sich die Art der C. chiniana." (Reichenow 1916) (subsp. Cisticola chiniana). 
● "Species H. rufo-marginato maxime affinis, sed interscapulio non nigro et remigum colore castaneo saturatiore satis diversa" (P. Sclater & Salvin 1880) (subsp. Herpsilochmus scapularis).
● “Species assimilis M. carinatae [= Monarcha melanopsis] ex Australia et ejusdem formae, sed facie angustiore nigra et ventre saturatiore castaneo diversa” (P. Sclater, 1874) (Monarcha).
● “The occurrence of two typical species of Amydrus [i.e. Onychognathus frater and Onychognathus blythii] in so small an island as Socotra is very curious; but there seems to be no doubt about the fact” (P. Sclater & Hartlaub, 1881) (Onychognathus).
● "Similar to T. solstitialis, but differs in the eyebrow and eyelid being white instead of rufous or buff, and in the whiter axillaries and under wing-coverts.  ... The White-browed House-Wren replaces the foregoing species [T. solstitialis] in Bolivia" (Sharpe 1881) (subsp. Troglodytes solstitialis).