Hooded Grosbeak

Hooded Grosbeak / Coccothraustes abeillei

Hooded Grosbeak

Here the details of the Hooded Grosbeak named bird below:

SCI Name:  Coccothraustes abeillei
Protonym:  Guiraca abeillei Rev.Zool. 2 p.41
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  hoogro1
Type Locality:  Mexico.
Publish Year:  1839
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Hawfinch C. coccothraustes) Late Med. L. coccothraustes  Hawfinch  < Gr. κοκκοθραυστης kokkothraustēs  unidentified bird listed by Hesychius < κοκκος kokkos  seed; θραυω thrauō  to break, to shatter; "GROS-BEC. Coccothraustes superne castanea, inferne vinacea (mas) cinereo-vinacea (fœmina); imo ventre albo; oculorum ambitu & gutture nigris; macula in alis candida (mas) cinereo-alba (fœmina); rectrice utrinque extima ultima medietate interius alba" (Brisson 1760): based on "Coccothraustes" of Gessner 1555, Aldrovandus 1599-1603, Schwenckfeld 1603, Jonston 1650-1653, Charleton 1668, Willughby 1676, Ray 1713, Linnaeus 1748 and Klein 1750; "Coccothraustes Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 1, p. 36; ibid., 3, p. 218. Type, by tautonymy, "coccothraustes" = Loxia coccothraustes Linnaeus." (Paynter in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 290).
Var. CoccothrasutesCoccotraustes, Coccauthraustes, Coccothraustis, Coccosthraustes.
Synon. Pycnorhinus.

Gr. κοκκοθραυστης kokkothraustēs  unidentified bird listed by Hesychius < κοκκος kokkos  seed; θραυω thrauō  to break, to shatter; "96. LOXIA.  ...  Coccothraustes.  2. L. linea alarum simplici alba, rectricibus latere tenuiore baseos albis.  Coccothraustes. Gesn. av. 276. Aldr. ornith. l. 16. c. 20. Jonst. av. . . t. 37. Charlet. onom. 84. t. 85. Olin. av. 37. Raj. av. 85. Alb. orn. I. p. 54. t. 56. Edw. av. 188. t. 188. It. scan. 332. n. 1.* Frisch. av. I. t. 4. f. 2. 3.  Habitat in Europa australiori, Cerasa enucleans, disseminans." (Linnaeus 1758) (Coccothraustes).

Dr Grégoire Abeillé (1798-1848) French physician, ornithologist, collector (Abeillia, Arremon, syn. Dendrocincla fuliginosa turdina, Hesperiphona, Icterus, Orchesticus, syn. Psophodes olivaceus, syn. Trochalopteron variegatum).


Hooded Grosbeak (pallidus)
SCI Name: Coccothraustes abeillei pallidus
pallidum / pallidus
L. pallidus  pallid, pale, wan, sallow  < pallere  to be pale.
● ex “Pale Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Turdus).

Hooded Grosbeak (saturatus)
SCI Name: Coccothraustes abeillei saturatus
saturatum / saturatus
L. saturatus  richly coloured, darker coloured, intensely coloured  < satur, satura  rich, copious  < satis  enough.
● “In my description of this Cuckoo [Cuculus micropterus] ...I considered certain dark ash-coloured specimens to be merely the old birds of the species ...Mr Hodgson, however, thinks differently, having lately forwarded similar examples by the designation C. saturatus” (Blyth 1843) (Cuculus).

Hooded Grosbeak (abeillei)
SCI Name: Coccothraustes abeillei abeillei
Dr Grégoire Abeillé (1798-1848) French physician, ornithologist, collector (Abeillia, Arremon, syn. Dendrocincla fuliginosa turdina, Hesperiphona, Icterus, Orchesticus, syn. Psophodes olivaceus, syn. Trochalopteron variegatum).

Hooded Grosbeak (cobanensis)
SCI Name: Coccothraustes abeillei cobanensis
cobanense / cobanensis
Cobán, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala.