Lark-like Bunting

Lark-like Bunting / Emberiza impetuani

Lark-like Bunting

Here the details of the Lark-like Bunting named bird below:

SCI Name:  Emberiza impetuani
Protonym:  Emberiza impetuani Rep.Exped.Centr.Afr. p.48
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Emberizidae /
Taxonomy Code:  lalbun1
Type Locality:  'country between Nu. Gariep and Tropic''; restricted to eastern Bechuanaland by Macdonald, 1957, Contrib. Ornith. Western S. Africa, p. 169.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Emberizidae; Ϯ Yellowhammer E. citrinella) Old Swiss German name Embritz for a bunting  < Old German Ammer  bunting. "97. EMBERIZA.  Rostrum conicum.  Mandibulæ basi deorsum a se invicem discedentes: inferiore lateribus inflexo-coarctata; superiore angustiore." (Linnaeus 1758); "Emberiza Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 177. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, ed. 1, p. 47), Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 5). Linnaeus's Emberiza comprised fourteen species (E. nivalis, E. Calandra, E. Hortulana, E. Citrinella, E. Orix, E. Quelea, E. militaris, E. atrata, E. familiaris, E. flaveola, E. psittacea, E. paradisæa, E. Ciris, E. Alario).  
Var. Emberyza, Emberitza, EmbritzaEmbriza, Emberisa, Emeberiza.   
Synon. Buscarla, Chrysophrys, Cia, Cirlus, Citrinella, Cosmospina, Cristemberiza, Crithophaga, Cynchramus, Fringillaria, Fringilloides, Glycyspina, Granativora, Hortulana, Hortulanus, Hylaespiza, Hypocentor, Latoucheornis, Melophus, Miliaria, Ocyris, Onychospina, Orospina, Pityornis, Polymitra, Pyrrhulorhyncha, Schaenicola, Schoeniclus, Spina, Spodiospina, Tisa.

Zulu name Im’tiyane for various finches and waxbills; "The names given by the Natives to the objects above described, I have adopted as the trivial ones" (A. Smith 1836).  According to Clinning 1989, the word is a Tswana name for a waterhole in West Griqualand, Cape Province, South Africa (Emberiza).


Lark-like Bunting (eremica)
SCI Name: Emberiza impetuani eremica
Gr. ερημικος erēmikos  living in a desert  < ερημια erēmia  desert.

Lark-like Bunting (impetuani)
SCI Name: Emberiza impetuani impetuani
Zulu name Im’tiyane for various finches and waxbills; "The names given by the Natives to the objects above described, I have adopted as the trivial ones" (A. Smith 1836).  According to Clinning 1989, the word is a Tswana name for a waterhole in West Griqualand, Cape Province, South Africa (Emberiza).

Lark-like Bunting (sloggetti)
SCI Name: Emberiza impetuani sloggetti
Lt.-Gen. Sir Arthur Thomas Sloggett (1857-1929) British Army surgeon, in the Sudan 1896-1898 and South Africa 1899-1903 (subsp. Emberiza impetuani).