Foja Honeyeater

Foja Honeyeater / Melipotes carolae

Foja Honeyeater

Here the details of the Foja Honeyeater named bird below:

SCI Name:  Melipotes carolae
Protonym:  Melipotes carolae Auk 124 p.1000-1009
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Meliphagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  washon1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  2007
IUCN Status:  


(Meliphagidae; Ϯ Arfak Honeyeater M. gymnops) Gr. μελι meli,  μελιτος melitos  honey; ποτης potēs  drinker  < πινω pinō  to drink; "12. MELIPOTES GYMNOPS, gen. et sp. n.  (Plate LVI.)   Melipotes* gen. nov. ex fam. Meliphagidarum, rostro crassiusculo, breviore quam caput, culmine arcuato, gonyde recta; naribus ovalibus; regione auriculari late nuda et subtus carunculata: alis modicis: cauda modica paulum elongata.    MELIPOTES GYMNOPS, sp. n.   ...   Hab. Atam, apud montes Papuanos Arfak.  This form of the Meliphagine family is very distinct on account of the denudation of the whole ocular region, which is fringed below by a narrow caruncle.  D'Albertis's notes do not give the colour of these naked parts; but they are probably orange or flesh-colour.  The bill is short and rather stout; the nostrils are short and suboval, and situated in a shallow groove near the central feathers.   ...   *Mελι, mel, et ποτης, potator." (P. Sclater 1874); "Melipotes Sclater, 1873 [= 1874], Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 695. Type, by monotypy, Melipotes gymnops Sclater." (Salomonsen in Peters 1967, XII, 420).

carola / carolae
● Charlotte Honorine Joséphine Pauline Contessa Primoli di Foglia (1832-1891) daughter of French ornithologist Prince Charles Bonaparte; "Avem pulcherrimam dicamus amatissimae CAROLAE PRIMOLI BONAPARTE, nomine dignae; filiae optimae, sororis, sponsae, matrisque exemplum!" (Bonaparte 1855) (Ducula).
● Carol Beehler (fl. 2007) wife of US ornithologist Dr Bruce M. Beehler (Melipotes).
● Charlotte Crittenden McGregor (b. 1841) mother of US zoologist Richard Crittenden McGregor (subsp. Melozone crissalis).
● Karoline Frederikke Franziska Stephanie Amalia Cecilia Princess of Sweden and Queen Consort of Saxony (1833-1907), known as Carola of Vasa and Saxony, wife of Albrecht King of Saxony (Parotia).