Tiny Tyrant-Manakin

Tiny Tyrant-Manakin / Tyranneutes virescens

Tiny Tyrant-Manakin

Here the details of the Tiny Tyrant-Manakin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tyranneutes virescens
Protonym:  Pipra virescens Orn.Brasil. Abth.2 p.128,187
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pipridae /
Taxonomy Code:  titman1
Type Locality:  Barra do Rio Negro [= Manaus], Brazil.
Publish Year:  1868
IUCN Status:  


(Pipridae; Ϯ Tiny Tyrant Manakin T. virescens) Gr. τυραννευω turanneuō  to be a tyrant  < τυραννος turannos  tyrant; "TYRANNEUTES, gen. nov.   Tyranneutes gen. nov. ex fam. Tyrannidarum, generi Tyrannulo affine, sed rostro crasso, ad basin dilatato et cauda brevi rotundata diversum. Vibrissæ rictales nullæ. Pedes parvi debiles. Alæ longiusculæ, remige tertio longissimo, secundo et quarto vix brevioribus.    3. TYRANNEUTES BRACHYURUS, sp. nov.   ...   Mr. Whitely has sent several skins of this little Tyrant in his collections from Bartica Grove (Sept. 1879 and February 1880). It is quite unknown to us, and we are constrained to refer it to a new generic section" (P. Sclater & Salvin 1881); "Tyranneutes Sclater and Salvin, 1881, Ibis, p. 268. Type, by monotypy, Tyranneutes brachyurus Sclater and Salvin = Pipra virescens Pelzeln." (Snow in Peters 1979, VIII, 255).

L. virescens, virescentis  greenish  < virescere  to become green  < virere  to be green.
● ex “Agile Parrot” of Latham 1781, and “Petit Perroquet verd” of Levaillant 1801-1805 (syn. Amazona agilis).
● ex “Psittaca cayenensis” of Brisson 17690, “Petite perruche verte de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 359, “Perruche à ailes variées” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Yellow-winged Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Brotogeris versicolurus).
● "76. ARDEA.  ...  virescens.  15. A. occipite subcristato, dorso viridi, pectore rufescente.  Ardea stellaris minor. Sloan. jam. 3. p. 315. t. 263. Raj. av. 189. n. 2. Catesb. car. 1. p. 80. t. 80.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (subsp. Butorides striata).
● ex Muscicapa querula A. Wilson, 1810 (Empidonax).
● ex “Tordo Dragon” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 65 (Pseudoleistes).