Oak Titmouse

Oak Titmouse / Baeolophus inornatus

Oak Titmouse

Here the details of the Oak Titmouse named bird below:

SCI Name:  Baeolophus inornatus
Protonym:  Parus inornatus Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 2 p.265
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Paridae /
Taxonomy Code:  oaktit
Type Locality:  Upper California [= near Monterey, California, fide Gambel, 1847, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1, pi. 8].
Publish Year:  1845
IUCN Status:  


(Paridae; Ϯ Tufted Titmouse B. bicolor) Gr. βαιος baios  small, little; λοφος lophos  crest; "Von Lophophanes wird zu trennen sein, nicht nur wegen Abweichung der Haubenbildung, sondern auch durch stärken Schnabel, längere Flügel und stärkere Füsse:   Gen. Baeolophus n. gen. (βαιοσ, unbedeutend; λοφοσ, Schopf)  Typus: B. bicolor. — Parus bicolor Lin. Wils. Lophophanes bicolor Kaup." (Cabanis 1853); "Baeolophus Cabanis, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 91, 1851 [= 1853] —type, by orig. desig., Parus bicolor Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 70).
Var. Baelophus, Bacolophus.

inornata / inornatum / inornatus
L. inornatus  plain, unadorned  < in-  not; ornatus  adorned, decorated  < ornare  to adorn.
● See: mavornata


Oak Titmouse (inornatus)
SCI Name: Baeolophus inornatus inornatus
inornata / inornatum / inornatus
L. inornatus  plain, unadorned  < in-  not; ornatus  adorned, decorated  < ornare  to adorn.
● See: mavornata

Oak Titmouse (affabilis)
SCI Name: Baeolophus inornatus affabilis
L. adfabalis or affabilis  friendly, affable, courteous  < adfari  to address.

Oak Titmouse (mohavensis)
SCI Name: Baeolophus inornatus mohavensis
Mohave or Mojave, California, USA.

Oak Titmouse (cineraceus)
SCI Name: Baeolophus inornatus cineraceus
cineracea / cineraceum / cineraceus
L. cineraceus  ash-grey  < cinis, cineris  ashes.
● ex “Cotinga cendré” of Levaillant 1801 (syn. Lipaugus vociferans).
● ex “Cinereous Godwit” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Tringa nebularia).