Buff-spotted Flameback

Buff-spotted Flameback / Chrysocolaptes lucidus

Buff-spotted Flameback

Here the details of the Buff-spotted Flameback named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chrysocolaptes lucidus
Protonym:  Picus lucidus Del.Flor.Faun.Insubr. 2 p.89
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  busfla1
Type Locality:  Mindanao, ex Sonnerat.
Publish Year:  1786
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ Javan Flameback  C. strictus) Gr. χρυσος khrusos  gold; κολαπτης kolaptēs  chiseller  < κολαπτω kolaptō  to peck; "the other group having a well developed fourth toe, and being altogether more powerfully formed, and highly typical or characteristic of the Woodpecker structure. To this last, which may be designated Chrysocolaptes, appertain P. strictus, Horsfield, (v. sultaneus, Hodgson),* P. hæmatribon, Wagler, and also I believe certain other species, together with the following:— P. (Chrysocolaptes) melanotus, Nobis.   ...   *This is generally, I believe, now considered to be P. Goensis, though the description of the latter by Daubenton and others certainly does not apply.—Referring to Dr. Horsfield's catalogue of Javanese birds prefixed to his Volume of Researches, I observe that he there refers his P. strictus to P. Goensis." (Blyth 1843); "Chrysocolaptes Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 12, pt. 2, 1843, p. 1004. Type, by subsequent designation, C. strictus = Picus strictus Horsfield. (Hargitt, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 18, 1890, p. 442).2   ...   2 Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 92, designates Picus sultaneus Hodgson, but this was not one of the originally included species." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 225).
Synon. Indopicus, Reinwardtipicus, Xylolepes.

lucidum / lucidus
L. lucidus  clear, bright  < lux, lucis  light.
● ex “Shining Cuckow” of Latham 1782 (Chalcites).
● ex “Pica flor mas bello” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 293 (syn. Chlorostilbon aureoventris).
● ex “Pic grivelé” or “Grand pic de l’Île de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Chrysocolaptes).


Buff-spotted Flameback (rufopunctatus)
SCI Name: Chrysocolaptes lucidus rufopunctatus
L. rufus rufous; punctatus spotted < punctum spot < pungere to puncture.

Buff-spotted Flameback (lucidus)
SCI Name: Chrysocolaptes lucidus lucidus
lucidum / lucidus
L. lucidus  clear, bright  < lux, lucis  light.
● ex “Shining Cuckow” of Latham 1782 (Chalcites).
● ex “Pica flor mas bello” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 293 (syn. Chlorostilbon aureoventris).
● ex “Pic grivelé” or “Grand pic de l’Île de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Chrysocolaptes).

Buff-spotted Flameback (montanus)
SCI Name: Chrysocolaptes lucidus montanus
montanum / montanus
L. montanus  found on mountains, mountain-, mountaineer  < mons, montis  mountain.
● “We saw abundance of these birds in the mountainous Countries of Stiria and Carinthia, as we travelled from Vienna to Venice” (Ray 1678); "98. FRINGILLA.  ...  montana.  28. F. remigibus rectricibusque fuscis, corpore griseo nigroque, alarum fascia alba gemina.  Passer montanus. Aldr. orn. t. 15. c. 15. Olin. av. 46. Raj, av. 87.  Habitat in Europa.  Simillima Fr. domesticæ sed minor & fascia duplex in alarum tegetibus alba s. tectrices alarum primi secundique ordinis albi, at in F. domestica tantum secundi." (Linnaeus 1758) (Passer).
● Montana, USA (subsp. Junco oreganus).
● Montana Sierra, Valle, Venezuela (syn. Megascops choliba crucigerus).
● ex “Braunes Feldhuhn” of Frisch 1733-1763, “Perdix montana” of Brisson 1760, and “Perdrix de montagne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 136, and de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Perdix perdix).
● ex “Merula montana” of Brisson 1760, and “Merle de montagne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 182 (syn. Turdus torquatus).