Red-banded Fruiteater

Red-banded Fruiteater / Pipreola whitelyi

Red-banded Fruiteater

Here the details of the Red-banded Fruiteater named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pipreola whitelyi
Protonym:  Pipreola whitelyi Ibis p.449
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Cotingidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rebfru1
Type Locality:  Cerro Roraima, Venezuela.
Publish Year:  1884
IUCN Status:  


(Cotingidae; Ϯ Fiery-throated Fruiteater P. chlorolepidota) Dim. < genus Pipra Linnaeus, 1764, manakin; "222. SUBGEN. PIPREOLA.   SUBGEN. CHARACTER. — Wings moderate; the primaries not narrowed: tarsus shorter than the middle toe; lateral toes nearly equal, the inner being scarcely shorter than the outer; inner, cleft to the base; outer toe connected to the middle only as far as the first joint: tail very short.  The peculiar structure of the feet in this bird, so different from that of the typical Pipræ, induces me to consider it as the type of one of the subgenera.  ...   PIPREOLA chlorolepidota.  ...   I doubt not that this is the representation of the genus Ptilochloris, in the neighbouring circle of Vereoinæ [sic]" (Swainson 1838); “Swainson, in defining this genus (in his treatment, a subgenus), distinguished it from ‘the typical Piprae’ (manakins) by the structure of the foot; it seems that he coined a name that was simply a variation on Pipra in order to indicate affinity.” (Snow 1982); "Pipreola Swainson, 1837, Anim. Menag. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, 98), p. 357. Type, by monotypy, Pipreola chlorolepidota Swainson." (Snow in Peters 1979, VIII, 286).   
Var. Pipreolo.
Synon. Euchlornis, Pyrrhorhynchus.

whitelyana / whitelyi
Henry Whitely, Jr. (1844-1892) English collector in Japan and tropical America (syn. Amazilia brevirostris, syn. Delichon dasypus, syn. Elaenia cristataHeliodoxa, syn. Phaethornis bourcieri, Pipreola, Setopagis, Tangara).


Red-banded Fruiteater (kathleenae)
SCI Name: Pipreola whitelyi kathleenae
● Kathleen Alicia A. White (1922-1987) sister of British ornithologist Charles M. N. White (subsp. Batis margaritae, syn. Guttera pucherani verreauxi).
● Kathleen Phoebe Phelps née Deery (1908-2001) Australian wife of US/Venezuelan ornithologist William H. Phelps, Jr. (subsp. Herpsilochmus roraimae, subsp. Pipreola whitelyi).

Red-banded Fruiteater (whitelyi)
SCI Name: Pipreola whitelyi whitelyi
whitelyana / whitelyi
Henry Whitely, Jr. (1844-1892) English collector in Japan and tropical America (syn. Amazilia brevirostris, syn. Delichon dasypus, syn. Elaenia cristataHeliodoxa, syn. Phaethornis bourcieri, Pipreola, Setopagis, Tangara).