White-hooded Babbler

White-hooded Babbler / Gampsorhynchus rufulus

White-hooded Babbler

Here the details of the White-hooded Babbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Gampsorhynchus rufulus
Protonym:  G[ampsorhynchus]. rufulus J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 13 p.371
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pellorneidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whhbab2
Type Locality:  Darjeeling, West Bengal; types from Arakan, Lower Burma, fide Finn, 1901, List Birds Indian Mus,, pt, 1, pp. 53-54.
Publish Year:  1844
IUCN Status:  


(Pellorneidae; Ϯ White-hooded Babbler G. rufulus) Gr. γαμψος gampsos  curved, hooked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos  bill; "Gampsorhynchus, Nobis, n.g.   Allied to the long-tailed Malacocerci, and also to Sphenura, but the bill intermediate in form to those of Turdus and Lanius, and the gape conspicuously armed with straight vibrissæ: it is nearly equal to the head, moderately compressed, the ridge of the upper mandible obtusely angulated, and its outline curving towards the tip, which is strongly emarginated, and forms a distinct hook, overhanging the extremity of the lower mandible; nostrils oval, pierced in the fore-part of the nasal membrane; wings and tail graduated, the first primary two-fifths the length of the fifth, which is equal to the sixth and seventh and longest: feet formed for perching, the tarse rather longer than the middle toe with its claw, and the claws but moderately curved: tail elongated.   G. rufulus, Nobis.   ...   Received from Darjeeling." (Blyth 1844); "Gampsorhynchus Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 370. Type, by monotypy, Gampsorhynchus rufulus Blyth." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 389).
Var. CaesmarhynchosGamsorhynchus.

gampsorhynchus / gampsorynchus
Gr. γαμψος gampsos curved, hooked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

L. rufulus  reddish  < rufus  rufous.
● ex “Gavilán de Estero acanelado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 11 (syn. Heterospizias meridionalis).