Taiga Bean-Goose

Taiga Bean-Goose / Anser fabalis

Taiga Bean-Goose

Here the details of the Taiga Bean-Goose named bird below:

SCI Name:  Anser fabalis
Protonym:  Anas Fabalis Gen.Syn.BirdsSuppl. p.297
Taxonomy:  Anseriformes / Anatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  taibeg1
Type Locality:  Great Britain.
Publish Year:  1787
IUCN Status:  


(Anatidae; Ϯ Grey-lag Goose A. anser) L. anser, anseris  goose; the Grey-lag Goose is the wild ancestor of European domestic geese, the Swan Goose A. cygnoides having played the same rôle for Chinese domestic geese; "Anser. Genus 106.  ...  Genus Anserinum.  Genre de l'Oye.  ... Tous les Oiseaux de ce genre ont une petite membrane tout le long du côté intérieur du doigt intérieur. Ils ont aussi la partie inférieure des jambes dégarnie de plumes.   ...   **1. L'OYE DOMESTIQUE.  Anser versicolor . . .ANSER DOMESTICUS." (Brisson 1760): based on numerous descriptions of domestic and wild geese, including "Anser domesticus" and "Anser ferus" of Gessner 1555, "Anser vulgaris" of Linnaeus 1748, and Anser ferus Linnaeus, 1758; "Anser Brisson, Orn., 1, 1760, p. 58. Type, by tautonymy, Anser domesticus = Anser anser Linné." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 146).   
Synon. Chen, Chionochen, Cygnopsis, Eulabeia, Exanthemops, Marilochen, Melanonyx, Philacte, Sarcopogon.

L. anser, anseris  goose; "61. ANAS.  ...  Anser.  7. A. rostro semicylindrico, corpore supra cinereo subtus pallidiore, collo striato. Fn. svec. 90.   α. Anser ferus. Gesn. av. 158. Aldr. orn. l. 19. c. 18. Will. orn. 274. t. 69. Raj. av. 136.   β. Anser domesticus. Gesn. av. 141. Will. orn. 273. t. 75. Raj. av. 136.   γ. Anser canadensis fuscus maculatus. Edw. av. 153. t. 153.  Habitat in Europa & America maxime borealiCollum striatum. Annulus albus ad basin rostri in spontaneo; migrat per phalanges; filo arcetur. Mas 1 feminis 4; inde Pennæ, Plumæ, Anser durateus, Jus spartanum, Jecur sicatum." (Linnaeus 1758) (Anser).

L. fabalis of beans < faba broad bean; ex “Bean Goose” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785; “the regular appearance of flocks of wild geese, which arrive every autumn ...at the time of bean harvest and when the bean stubbles were ready for them ” (A. Strickland 1858, in Bourne 2002) (Anser).


Taiga Bean-Goose (fabalis)
SCI Name: Anser fabalis fabalis
L. fabalis of beans < faba broad bean; ex “Bean Goose” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785; “the regular appearance of flocks of wild geese, which arrive every autumn ...at the time of bean harvest and when the bean stubbles were ready for them ” (A. Strickland 1858, in Bourne 2002) (Anser).

Taiga Bean-Goose (johanseni)
SCI Name: Anser fabalis johanseni
● Prof. Hans Johansen (1897-1973) Danish ornithologist, collector, explorer, resident in Siberia 1916-1937, Head of Bird Ringing Centre, University of Copenhagen 1943-1960 (subsp. Anser middendorffi).
● Prof. Herman Eduardovich Johansen (1866-1930) Russian zoologist (syn. Cuculus canorus, syn. Sturnus vulgaris porphyronotus).

Taiga Bean-Goose (middendorffii)
SCI Name: Anser fabalis middendorffii
middendorffii / middendorfii
Aleksandr Fedorovich von Middendorf (1815-1894) Russian zoologist, explorer in Siberia and Central Asia (Anser, syn. Cinclus cinclus leucogaster, syn. Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus).