Raja Ampat Pitohui

Raja Ampat Pitohui / Pitohui cerviniventris

Raja Ampat Pitohui

Here the details of the Raja Ampat Pitohui named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pitohui cerviniventris
Protonym:  Rectes cerviniventris Proc.Zool.Soc.London["1861"] ["1861"], Pt3 p.430
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Oriolidae /
Taxonomy Code:  varpit4
Type Locality:  Gagie Island [error for Waigeu] .
Publish Year:  1862
IUCN Status:  


(Oriolidae; Ϯ Northern Variable Pitohui P. kirhocephalus) Papuan name Pitohui  rubbish bird (i.e. inedible), for the pitohuis. The skin and feathers of the Variable Pitohui contain powerful batrachotoxins, probably developed from the beetles that form part of its diet (see Ifrita); "VII.e Sous-genre.  PITOHUI; Pitohui.   Bec long, triangulaire, à arête vive, crochue; à narines arrondies; à bords élargis, un peu dilatés; tarses moyens. Queue médiocre, arrondie.   1.º Lanius kirrhocephalus, Less., Zool. de la Coq., pl. 11.  De la Nouvelle-Guinée.   2.º Lanius niger , Horsf.; Lanius melas, Garn.; Less., Man., t. I.er, p. 128.   3.º Lanius. Pie-Grièche noire et blanche. Du Cap. (Mus. de Paris.)" (Lesson 1830); "Pitohui Lesson, 1830, Traité Orn., p. 375. Type, by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1877, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 3, p. 283), Lanius kirhocephalus Lesson and Garnot." (Mayr in Peters 1967, XII, 45).
Var. Pitoius.
Synon. Rectes.

L. cervinus  stag-coloured  < cervus  stag; venter, ventris  belly.


Raja Ampat Pitohui (pallidus)
SCI Name: Pitohui cerviniventris pallidus
pallidum / pallidus
L. pallidus  pallid, pale, wan, sallow  < pallere  to be pale.
● ex “Pale Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Turdus).

Raja Ampat Pitohui (cerviniventris)
SCI Name: Pitohui cerviniventris cerviniventris
L. cervinus  stag-coloured  < cervus  stag; venter, ventris  belly.