Nightingale Wren

Nightingale Wren / Microcerculus philomela

Nightingale Wren

Here the details of the Nightingale Wren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Microcerculus philomela
Protonym:  Cyphorhinus philomela Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt2 p.202
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Troglodytidae /
Taxonomy Code:  nigwre1
Type Locality:  Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala.
Publish Year:  1861
IUCN Status:  


(Troglodytidae; Ϯ Wing-banded Wren M. bambla) Dim. < Gr. μικρος mikros  small; κερκος kerkos  tail; "Genus CYPHORINUS.  ...  b. Microcerculus.  120. CYPHORINUS BAMBLA.  Le Bambla de Cayenne, Buff. Pl. Enl. 703 f. 2, unde Turdus bambla, Bodd.  Heterocnemis bambla, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 146.  Myrmothera troglodytes, Less. Descr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 301.  ...  121. CYPHORINUS MARGINATUS.  ...  122. CYPHORINUS ALBIGULARIS.  ...  123. CYPHORINUS LEUCOPHRYS.  ...  124. CYPHORINUS LEUCOSTICTUS.  ...  125. CYPHORINUS PROSTHELEUCUS.  ...  126. CYPHORINUS PUSILLUS." (P. Sclater 1862); "Microcerculus Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 19. Type, by subsequent designation, Turdus bambla Boddaert (Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 1, p. 113)." (Paynter in Peters 1960, IX, 435).

L. philomela nightingale < Gr. φιλος philos loving; μελος melos song (Gr. myth Philomela, daughter of Pandion, king of Athens, was violated and mutilated by her brother-in-law Tereus and changed into a nightingale) (Microcerculus). Var. Filomela.

L. philomela  nightingale.
• (Muscicapidae; syn. Luscinia Common Nightingale L. megarhynchos)  "Sylviadæ.  ...  Nightingales (Philomelinæ)  ...  The second, or subtypical, is indicated by Synallaxis? Vieil.; Curruca, Bech.; Philomela, Antiq.; Phœnicura, Sw.; and Thamnobia, Sw." (Swainson 1831) (cf. specific name Luscinia philomela Brehm, 1828 (= syn. Luscinia megarhynchos)); "In the various above-mentioned particulars, the nightingales, which I would distinguish by the generic name Philomela, not only differ from the sylvan warblers, (the fauvette, blackcap, whitethroat, &c.), but more or less from all the various genera comprised under the term Sylviana" (Blyth 1833).
Var. PhilomelinaPhilomelor.
• (Muscicapidae; ?syn. Luscinia) "1. Sous-famille. RAPHIORAMPHIA. Les Raphioramphes. Bec droit.   G. 1. Parus L.   2. Igithalus R.   3. Alauda L.   4. Psoridus R.  Sylvia Lath.   6. Motacilla L.   7. Oitrüs R.   8. Otimus R.   9. Cripolus R.   10. Sittella R. Sitta L.   11. Baristus R.   12. Talapius R.   13. Polytmus Bris.   14. Mellisuga R.   ...    ADDITIONS ET CORRECTIONS.   ...   pag. 68. l. 23. -- Oitrus R. - lisez - Philomela R." (Rafinesque 1815). 
• (Phylloscopidae; syn. Phylloscopus † Wood Warbler P. sibilatrix) "Philomela acredula, Huckmuck.   Philomela ficedula, Chiff-chaff.   Philomela sibilatrix, Sylvan.  ...  Philomela modularis, Dunnock.   Philomela Alpina, Alpine Warbler." (F. Morris 1837) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Philomela F. O. Morris, 1837, The Naturalist (ed. N. Wood), II (9), p. 126.  New name for Sibilatrix Kaup, 1829." (JAJ 2021) (see Seiren).
Var. Filomela.