Sclater’s Whistler

Sclater\'s Whistler / Pachycephala soror

Sclater's Whistler

Here the details of the Sclater's Whistler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pachycephala soror
Protonym:  Pachycephala soror Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1873) (1873), Pt3 p.692
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pachycephalidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sclwhi1
Type Locality:  Hatam, Arfak Mountains.
Publish Year:  1874
IUCN Status:  


(Pachycephalidae; Ϯ Golden Whistler P. pectoralis) Gr. παχυς pakhus  large, thick; κεφαλη kephalē  head; from the appearance of their large rounded heads the Indomalayan and Australasian whistlers were formerly known as 'thickheads'; "The interval betweeen the present groups and those of the Pari, where we entered on the family [Pipridæ], appears to be filled up by a race of birds peculiar to New Holland, and hitherto uncharacterized, of which the Muscicapa pectoralis, Lath. is the type*. These, uniting many external characters, at least, both of the Berry-Eaters and Flycatchers, exhibit also in general appearance a considerable resemblance to the Pari, and will be found, I conjecture, to be the connecting bond between all these groups.  ...  * Mr. Swainson has lately formed this group into a genus by the name of Pachycephala.  Nov. 1824." (Vigors 1825); "Genus. PACHYCEPHALA*. Swains. MSS.  ... Caput tumidiusculum.  ...  In their general appearance some of the species exhibit a resemblance to the birds of the genus Procnias, Ill., while by the puffed-out appearance of the feathers about the head, we trace an approximation to some of the Linnean Pari.  ...  * παχυς crassus, and κεφαλη caput" (Vigors & Horsfield 1827). 
Var. Pachycephalus
Synon. Alisterornis, Gilbertornis, Hylocharis, Hyloterpe, Lewinornis, Malacolestes, Mattingleya, Musciterpe, Muscitrea, Mutevodia, Pachycilodryas, Psaltricephus, Pucherania, Timixos.

soror / sorora
L. soror, sororis  sister (i.e. closely related).
● "Ähnlich der X. f. flavigula Cab." (Neumann 1914) (subsp. Atimastillas flavigula).
● "Männchen dem vorgenannten Arten sehr ähnlich, im allgemeinen aber etwas kleiner, Schnabel wie bei B. puella, etwas schmaler als bei B. senegalensis und orientalis" (Reichenow 1903) (Batis).
● "Bisher habe ich unter dem Namen C. rufopileata Vögel von West- und Ostafrika zusammengefaßt.  ...  Als Typ für die Form soror ist ein Vogel vom Kilimandscharo.  C. rufopileata scheint nur vom Niger bis zum Gabun verbreitet zu sein.  Vögel von Loango gleichen der östlichen Form soror." (Reichenow 1916) (syn. Cisticola bulliens).
● "Der E. brunneiceps [= subsp. Erythropygia leucophrys] sehr ähnlich, aber kleiner" (Reichenow 1905) (syn. Erythropygia leucophrys zambesiana).
● "Von P. macrocerca (Lcht.) [= subsp. Euplectes macrourus] durch bedeutend geringere Grösse und etwas heller gelben Schulterfleck unterschieden" (Reichenow 1887) (syn. Euplectes macrourus).
● "This specimen may possibly prove to be an immature H. nipalensis, from which it differs in being slightly smaller and more slender in the tarsi" (Wardlaw Ramsay 1881) (Hydrornis).
● "Similar to pumila [= subsp. Lalage maculosa]" (Mayr & Ripley 1941) (subsp. Lalage maculosa).
● “typical Pachycephala, closely allied to P. melanura, but with the tail brown, bordered with olive-green” (P. Sclater 1874) (Pachycephala).
● "This subspecies is surprisingly similar to feminina [= subsp. Petroica pusilla], although the ranges of the two forms are widely separated by ambrynensis [= subsp. Petroica pusilla]" (Mayr 1934) (subsp. Petroica pusilla).
● "The name soror means sister, alluding to its close similarity with the other taxa in this [Seicercus (= Phylloscopus) burkii] complex" (Alström & Olsson 1999) (Phylloscopus).
● "Closely allied to M. castaneiceps, from which it differs in its much larger size" (Sharpe 1887) (subsp. Schoeniparus castaneceps).
● "The name of the subspecies is based on the close relationship of this indigobird with the other forms of the indigobird species" (Payne 1982) (syn. Vidua camerunensis).
● "Intermediär zwischen X. g. genibarbis Ill., aus Amazonien, und X. g. pelzelni [= syn. X. minutus] Hellm., aus S.-O.-Brasilien" (Hellmayr 1921) (syn. Xenops genibarbis).


Sclater's Whistler (soror)
SCI Name: Pachycephala soror soror
soror / sorora
L. soror, sororis  sister (i.e. closely related).
● "Ähnlich der X. f. flavigula Cab." (Neumann 1914) (subsp. Atimastillas flavigula).
● "Männchen dem vorgenannten Arten sehr ähnlich, im allgemeinen aber etwas kleiner, Schnabel wie bei B. puella, etwas schmaler als bei B. senegalensis und orientalis" (Reichenow 1903) (Batis).
● "Bisher habe ich unter dem Namen C. rufopileata Vögel von West- und Ostafrika zusammengefaßt.  ...  Als Typ für die Form soror ist ein Vogel vom Kilimandscharo.  C. rufopileata scheint nur vom Niger bis zum Gabun verbreitet zu sein.  Vögel von Loango gleichen der östlichen Form soror." (Reichenow 1916) (syn. Cisticola bulliens).
● "Der E. brunneiceps [= subsp. Erythropygia leucophrys] sehr ähnlich, aber kleiner" (Reichenow 1905) (syn. Erythropygia leucophrys zambesiana).
● "Von P. macrocerca (Lcht.) [= subsp. Euplectes macrourus] durch bedeutend geringere Grösse und etwas heller gelben Schulterfleck unterschieden" (Reichenow 1887) (syn. Euplectes macrourus).
● "This specimen may possibly prove to be an immature H. nipalensis, from which it differs in being slightly smaller and more slender in the tarsi" (Wardlaw Ramsay 1881) (Hydrornis).
● "Similar to pumila [= subsp. Lalage maculosa]" (Mayr & Ripley 1941) (subsp. Lalage maculosa).
● “typical Pachycephala, closely allied to P. melanura, but with the tail brown, bordered with olive-green” (P. Sclater 1874) (Pachycephala).
● "This subspecies is surprisingly similar to feminina [= subsp. Petroica pusilla], although the ranges of the two forms are widely separated by ambrynensis [= subsp. Petroica pusilla]" (Mayr 1934) (subsp. Petroica pusilla).
● "The name soror means sister, alluding to its close similarity with the other taxa in this [Seicercus (= Phylloscopus) burkii] complex" (Alström & Olsson 1999) (Phylloscopus).
● "Closely allied to M. castaneiceps, from which it differs in its much larger size" (Sharpe 1887) (subsp. Schoeniparus castaneceps).
● "The name of the subspecies is based on the close relationship of this indigobird with the other forms of the indigobird species" (Payne 1982) (syn. Vidua camerunensis).
● "Intermediär zwischen X. g. genibarbis Ill., aus Amazonien, und X. g. pelzelni [= syn. X. minutus] Hellm., aus S.-O.-Brasilien" (Hellmayr 1921) (syn. Xenops genibarbis).

Sclater's Whistler (klossi)
SCI Name: Pachycephala soror klossi
klossi / klossii
Cecil Boden Kloss (1877-1949) English zoologist, Director of Raffles Mus., Singapore 1921-1936 (subsp. Accipiter badius, subsp. Bubo coromandus, subsp. Cinnyris jugularis, subsp. Cissa chinensis, subsp. Cyornis hainanus, subsp. Harpactes erythrocephalus, syn. Myophonus caeruleus eugenei, subsp. Pachycephala soror, subsp. Phylloscopus ogilviegranti, subsp. Pomatorhinus schisticeps, subsp. Prinia superciliaris, Pseudominla, subsp. Pycnonotus aurigaster, subsp. Rallicula rubra, Schoeniparus, Spilornis, subsp. Sylviparus modestus).

Sclater's Whistler (bartoni)
SCI Name: Pachycephala soror bartoni
Capt. Francis Rickman Barton (1865-1947) British Army, Private Secretary to Gov. British New Guinea 1899-1902, Resident Magistrate Central Division 1903, Administrator of British New Guinea 1904-1907 (syn. Kempiella griseoceps, subsp. Pachycephala soror).

Sclater's Whistler (octogenarii)
SCI Name: Pachycephala soror octogenarii
L. octogenarius  containing eighty, aged eighty  < octogeni  eighty  < octo  eight.

Sclater's Whistler (remota)
SCI Name: Pachycephala soror remota
remota / remotum / remotus
L. remotus  distant, remote  < removere  to put away.