Nahan’s Francolin

Nahan\'s Francolin / Ptilopachus nahani

Nahan's Francolin

Here the details of the Nahan's Francolin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ptilopachus nahani
Protonym:  Francolinus nahani Ann.Mus.CongoZool. (4) 1 fasc.1 p.17 pl.10
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Odontophoridae /
Taxonomy Code:  nahfra2
Type Locality:  Popoie, Aruwimi River, Belgian Congo.
Publish Year:  1905
IUCN Status:  


(Odontophoridae; Ϯ Stone Partridge P. petrosus) Gr. πτιλον ptilon  feather; παχυς pakhus  thick, dense; “Ptilopachus, Sw.  Bill small, slender.  Nostrils naked, very large, occupying one half the length of the bill.  Wings rounded.  Tail broad, rounded, larger and longer than in Perdix; the feathers very soft.  Feathers of the back and rump with the shafts thickened, and apparently spinous, as in Ceblepyris.  Tarsus shorter than the middle toe.  Lateral toes nearly equal.  Africa and India.    P. erythrorynchus.  West. Af. ii.” (Swainson 1837); "Ptilopachus Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 344. Type, by monotypy, Ptilopachus erythrorhynchus Swainson = Tetrao petrosus Gmelin." (Peters 1934, II, 104). The Stone Partridge and Nahan's Forest Partridge P. nahani were formerly considered Afrotropical members of the Phasianidae, but recent genetic investigations have revealed their true association with the American quails, wood quails and bobwhites.
Var. Ptilopachys, Ptilophachus.
Synon. Acentrortyx, Petrogallus.

Capt. Paul François Joseph Nahan (1867-1930) Belgian Army in the Congo, explorer, collector (Ptilopachus).