Rufous-and-white Wren

Rufous-and-white Wren / Thryophilus rufalbus

Rufous-and-white Wren

Here the details of the Rufous-and-white Wren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Thryophilus rufalbus
Protonym:  Thryothorus rufalbus Rev.Zool. 8 p.337
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Troglodytidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rawwre1
Type Locality:  Mexico, error = Guatemala.
Publish Year:  1845
IUCN Status:  


(Troglodytidae; Rufous-and-white Wren T. rufalbus) Gr. θρυον thruon  reed; φιλος philos  lover; this name reflects the relationship with Thryothorus, rather than a preferred habitat; "Thryophilus: rufalbus, poliopleura, sinaloa, modestus, albipectus, galbraithi, striolatus, longirostris, castaneus, nigricapillus, schottii.   ...   THRYOPHILUS, BAIRD.   Thryophilus, BAIRD.  (Type Thryothorus rufalbus.)   ...   In the introductory remarks on the Troglodytidæ I have already alluded to a genus of American Wrens, the species of which have hitherto been included in the genus Thryothorus.  They differ, however, in having a much more distinctly notched bill, and in the peculiarly open nostrils, which seem to lack the overhanging scale or membrane of Thryothorus and Pheugopedius, leaving the nasal aperture to occupy the anterior extremity of the nasal groove, with the internal lateral septum exposed, but vertical, and extending forward to the anterior extremity of the nostril, not ending abruptly behind.  This is a peculiarity very easily appreciated in most cases.  ...  Finding, therefore, no name ready at hand for this group, I am compelled to make a new one." (Baird 1864); "Thryophilus Baird, 1864, Review Amer. Birds Mus. Smithson. Inst., I, p. 127.  Type, by original designation, Thryothorus rufalbus de La Fresnaye, 1845." (JAJ 2020).

Gr. θρυον thruon  reed; φιλος philos  loving  < φιλεω phileō  to love  < φιλος philos  lover.

L. rufus rufous; albus white.


Rufous-and-white Wren (transfinis)
SCI Name: Thryophilus rufalbus transfinis
L. trans  beyond, across; finis  boundary, border, limit, end.

Rufous-and-white Wren (rufalbus)
SCI Name: Thryophilus rufalbus rufalbus
L. rufus rufous; albus white.

Rufous-and-white Wren (castanonotus)
SCI Name: Thryophilus rufalbus castanonotus
castanonota / castanonotum / castanonotus
Gr. καστανον kastanon  chestnut; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back.

Rufous-and-white Wren (cumanensis)
SCI Name: Thryophilus rufalbus cumanensis
● Cumaná, Sucre, north-eastern Venezuela (subsp. Grallaricula nana, Pipile, subsp. Thryophilus rufalbus, subsp. Turdus serranus, subsp. Zimmerius chrysops).
● Bay of Cuman (= Bahia do Cuma), Maranhão, Brazil (subsp. Diopsittaca nobilis).
● Erroneous TL Cumaná, Venezuela (= Trinidad) (syn. Pipile pipile).

Rufous-and-white Wren (minlosi)
SCI Name: Thryophilus rufalbus minlosi
Emilio José Minlos (1856-1901) Venezuelan/German merchant, collector, resident of Bucaramanga, Colombia (subsp. Thryophilus rufalbus, Xenerpestes).