Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant

Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant / Muscisaxicola flavinucha

Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant

Here the details of the Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant named bird below:

SCI Name:  Muscisaxicola flavinucha
Protonym:  M[uscisaxicola] flavinucha Rev.Mag.Zool.(2), 7 p.59 pl.3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ongtyr1
Type Locality:  Chile.
Publish Year:  1855
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Rufous-naped Ground Tyrant M. rufivertex) Portmanteau of genera Muscicapa Brisson 1760, flycatcher, and Saxicola auct. (= Oenanthe Vieillot 1816), wheatear; "G. MUSCISAXICOLA. Nob.   Pedibus valde elongatis, gracilibus, unguibus anticis brevibus, postice longiore parum curvato, alis prælongis, acuminatis; cauda mediocris apice recto; rostro tenui, valde compresso, elongato, non basi depresso, quibus omnibus characteribus habituque toto Saxicolis hujus generis species proxime accedunt.   ...   1. M. rufivertex, Nob.   ...   2. M. mentalis, Nob.   ...   3. M. maculirostris, Nob.   ...   4. M. striaticeps, Nob." (d'Orbigny & de La Fresnaye 1837); "Muscisaxicola d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 65. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 24), Muscisaxicola rufivertex d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 168).
Synon. Ptyonura.

flavinucha / flavinuchus
L. flavus  yellow, golden-yellow; Med. L. nuchus  nape  < Arabic nukhā'  spinal marrow.


Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant (flavinucha)
SCI Name: Muscisaxicola flavinucha flavinucha
flavinucha / flavinuchus
L. flavus  yellow, golden-yellow; Med. L. nuchus  nape  < Arabic nukhā'  spinal marrow.

Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant (brevirostris)
SCI Name: Muscisaxicola flavinucha brevirostris
brevirostre / brevirostris
Mod. L. brevirostris  having a short beak  < L. brevis  short; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.