Dusky Antbird

Dusky Antbird / Cercomacroides tyrannina

Dusky Antbird

Here the details of the Dusky Antbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cercomacroides tyrannina
Protonym:  Pyriglena tyrannina Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt23 no.290 p.90 pl.98
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  dusant1
Type Locality:  Bogota.
Publish Year:  1855
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Dusky Antbird C. tyrannina) Genus Cercomacra P. Sclater, 1858, antbird; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Because the group of species referred to as the 'tyrannina' clade does not have an available name, we erect a new genus that recognizes the monophyly and distinct nature of this group.   CERCOMACROIDES J. G. TELLO & M. A. RAPOSO, GEN. NOV.  Type species: Cercomacroides tyrannina (Sclater, 1855), comb. nov., Dusky Antbird (= Cercomacra tyrannina [Sclater], 1855)  ...  Cercomacroides can be distinguished from Cercomacra by the lack of conspicuous white tips on the rectrices of both sexes; by the predominantly warm buff-brown or orange buff plumage in females; by the whistling loudsongs and non-synchronized vocal duets; and by building deep pouch-shaped nests with oblique entrances.  Etymology: The Latin suffix -oides, taken from ancient Greek 'eidos' means 'having the likeness of'. Our choice of the name Cercomacroides is an allusion to the great shape and plumage similarity among the species of Cercomacroides and those of the genus Cercomacra, probably as a result of convergence" (Tello et al. 2014); "Cercomacroides Tello and Raposo in Tello, Raposo, Bates, Bravo, Cadena, and Maldonado-Coelho, 2014, Zool. Journal Linnean Soc., 170 (3), p. 555.  Type, by original designation, Cercomacra tyrannina P. Sclater, 1855." (JAJ 2020).

Mod. L. tyranninus like a tyrant flycatcher, tyrannine < L. tyrannus tyrant < Gr. τυραννος turannos tyrant, despot.
● “A series of specimens in the British Museum clearly connect the somewhat dissimilar male and female of this species, which it is difficult to place satisfactorily in any of the present established genera of this family as far as I am acquainted with them, though without doubt a member of the group with somewhat of a Tyrannine aspect” (P. Sclater 1855) (Cercomacroides).

(syn. Gubernetes Ϯ Streamer-tailed Tyrant G. yetapa) Mod. L. tyranninus  like a tyrant flycatcher, tyrannine  < L. tyrannus  tyrant  < Gr. τυραννος turannos  tyrant, despot; "69. Muscicapa, L.  ...  6. Tyrannina, Sw." (Bonaparte 1831); "Al Sottogenere 6. Tyrannina (nome complessivo scritto per innavertenza) si sostituirà 6. Gubernetes, Such. (Milvulus, Sw.)" (Bonaparte 1832 (per Richmond Card Index)).


Dusky Antbird (tyrannina/crepera)
SCI Name: Cercomacroides tyrannina tyrannina/crepera
(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Dusky Antbird C. tyrannina) Genus Cercomacra P. Sclater, 1858, antbird; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Because the group of species referred to as the 'tyrannina' clade does not have an available name, we erect a new genus that recognizes the monophyly and distinct nature of this group.   CERCOMACROIDES J. G. TELLO & M. A. RAPOSO, GEN. NOV.  Type species: Cercomacroides tyrannina (Sclater, 1855), comb. nov., Dusky Antbird (= Cercomacra tyrannina [Sclater], 1855)  ...  Cercomacroides can be distinguished from Cercomacra by the lack of conspicuous white tips on the rectrices of both sexes; by the predominantly warm buff-brown or orange buff plumage in females; by the whistling loudsongs and non-synchronized vocal duets; and by building deep pouch-shaped nests with oblique entrances.  Etymology: The Latin suffix -oides, taken from ancient Greek 'eidos' means 'having the likeness of'. Our choice of the name Cercomacroides is an allusion to the great shape and plumage similarity among the species of Cercomacroides and those of the genus Cercomacra, probably as a result of convergence" (Tello et al. 2014); "Cercomacroides Tello and Raposo in Tello, Raposo, Bates, Bravo, Cadena, and Maldonado-Coelho, 2014, Zool. Journal Linnean Soc., 170 (3), p. 555.  Type, by original designation, Cercomacra tyrannina P. Sclater, 1855." (JAJ 2020).

Dusky Antbird (saturatior/vicina)
SCI Name: Cercomacroides tyrannina saturatior/vicina
(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Dusky Antbird C. tyrannina) Genus Cercomacra P. Sclater, 1858, antbird; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Because the group of species referred to as the 'tyrannina' clade does not have an available name, we erect a new genus that recognizes the monophyly and distinct nature of this group.   CERCOMACROIDES J. G. TELLO & M. A. RAPOSO, GEN. NOV.  Type species: Cercomacroides tyrannina (Sclater, 1855), comb. nov., Dusky Antbird (= Cercomacra tyrannina [Sclater], 1855)  ...  Cercomacroides can be distinguished from Cercomacra by the lack of conspicuous white tips on the rectrices of both sexes; by the predominantly warm buff-brown or orange buff plumage in females; by the whistling loudsongs and non-synchronized vocal duets; and by building deep pouch-shaped nests with oblique entrances.  Etymology: The Latin suffix -oides, taken from ancient Greek 'eidos' means 'having the likeness of'. Our choice of the name Cercomacroides is an allusion to the great shape and plumage similarity among the species of Cercomacroides and those of the genus Cercomacra, probably as a result of convergence" (Tello et al. 2014); "Cercomacroides Tello and Raposo in Tello, Raposo, Bates, Bravo, Cadena, and Maldonado-Coelho, 2014, Zool. Journal Linnean Soc., 170 (3), p. 555.  Type, by original designation, Cercomacra tyrannina P. Sclater, 1855." (JAJ 2020).