Red-shouldered Vanga

Red-shouldered Vanga / Calicalicus rufocarpalis

Red-shouldered Vanga

Here the details of the Red-shouldered Vanga named bird below:

SCI Name:  Calicalicus rufocarpalis
Protonym:  Calicalicus rufocarpalis Bull.Br.Orn.Club 117 p.5
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Vangidae /
Taxonomy Code:  resvan1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1997
IUCN Status:  


(Vangidae; Ϯ Red-tailed Vanga C. madagascariensis) French name Cali-calic, given to the Red-tailed Vanga by de Buffon 1770-1785. Recent publications give only kiboala (Milon et al. 1973) and totokarasoka (Langrand 1990; Safford & Hawkins 2013) as local names for this vanga; "b. Malaconoteæ.  ...  15. Calicalicus, Bp.  ...  Notre genre Calicalicus, qui rappelle le nom local, a pour type la rare Pie-grièche calicalic de Madagascar, dont le mâle et la femelle sont un des plus précieux joyaux du Musée de Paris.  Calicalicus madagascariensis, Bp. ex L. — Pl. enl., 299, 1, 2. — Levaill., Afr., tab. 73 ” (Bonaparte 1854); "Calicalicus Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 38, p. 386, 535.  Type, by original designation, Calicalicus madagascariensis (Linn.)" (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 365). 
Synon. Hylophorba.

L. rufus rufous; Mod. L. carpalis of the shoulder or wrist < Gr. καρπος karpos wrist.