Streak-headed Honeyeater

Streak-headed Honeyeater / Pycnopygius stictocephalus

Streak-headed Honeyeater

Here the details of the Streak-headed Honeyeater named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pycnopygius stictocephalus
Protonym:  Pycnonotus (?) stictocephalus Ann.Mus.Civ.Stor.Nat.Genova 9 p.34
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Meliphagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sthhon1
Type Locality:  Naiabui, Hall Sound, southeastern New Guinea.
Publish Year:  1876
IUCN Status:  


(Meliphagidae; Ϯ Streak-headed Honeyeater P. stictocephalus) Gr. πυκνος puknos  thick, dense; -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump; "51. Pycnopygius (1) stictocephalus (Salvad.), Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. IX, p. 34 (1876).  Hab. in Papuasia — Nova Guinea   ...   (1) Pycnopygius, Salvad. nov. gen. — Habitus specierum generis Pycnonoti; rostro breviusculo, culmine incurvato, alis mediocribus, cauda mediocri, aequali; pedibus parvis; ptilosi laxa, copiosa." (Salvadori 1880); "Pycnopygius Salvadori, 1880, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 16, p. 78. Type, by monotypy, Pycnonotus (?) stictocephalus Salvadori." (Salomonsen in Peters 1967, XII, 401).

Gr. πυκνος puknos  thick, dense; -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump.

stictocephala / stictocephalus
Gr. στικτος stiktos  spotted  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo; -κεφαλος
-kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.