Cordillera Ground-Warbler

Cordillera Ground-Warbler / Robsonius rabori

Cordillera Ground-Warbler

Here the details of the Cordillera Ground-Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Robsonius rabori
Protonym:  Napothera rabori FieldianaZool. 39 p.377
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Locustellidae /
Taxonomy Code:  luzwrb1
Type Locality:  Tabbug, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte, Luzon, Philippine Islands.
Publish Year:  1960
IUCN Status:  


(Locustellidae; Ϯ Cordillera Ground-warbler R. rabori) Craig R. Robson (b. 1959) British ornithologist; "Meanwhile rabori, which is of course still more anomalous for its outlying geographical position, requires recognition of its distinctiveness through the establishment of  Robsonius, new genus,  diagnosed by a combination of features that include: absence of rictal bristles; part-featherd nares; broad white tips to wing-coverts and outer 2-3 primaries; very copious, dense, elongate rump feathering; fairly long and slightly hooked bill, as in Turdinus; high-pitched, insect-like main vocalisation; and walking habit.  ... The name Robsonius pays tribute to the expertise and contribution of Craig C. Robson with respect to the study of Asian birds and - as this paper amply demonstrates - Asian babblers in particular" (Collar 2006). The Cordillera Ground Warbler, formerly called Rusty-faced Babbler, was originally linked with the babblers Napothera and Leonardina, but is now considered allied to the grassbirds.

Dr Dioscoro Siarot Rabor (1911-1996) Filipino ornithologist, conservationist (subsp. Ficedula westermanni, ‡subsp. Hypothymis coelestis, subsp. Orthotomus castaneiceps, Rhabdornis, Robsonius).