Blue-capped Tanager

Blue-capped Tanager / Thraupis cyanocephala

Blue-capped Tanager

Here the details of the Blue-capped Tanager named bird below:

SCI Name:  Thraupis cyanocephala
Protonym:  A.[glaia] cyanocephala Mag.Zool. 7 cl.2 p.32
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thraupidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blctan2
Type Locality:  Yungas [, Bolivia] .
Publish Year:  1837
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Tangara Ϯ Golden-chevroned Tanager T. ornata) Gr. θραυπις thraupis  unidentified small bird, perhaps some kind of finch, mentioned by Aristotle. In ornithology thraupis signifies tanager. "XII. Fam. Tangaridae.  Tanagra Lin.   ...   Thraupis: Tan. archiepiscopus Desm. u. s. w." (Boie 1826); "Thraupis Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 974. Type, by virtual monotypy, Tanagra archiepiscopus Desmarest = Tanagra ornata Sparrman.   ...   Placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1968, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 25, p. 74." (Storer in Peters 1970, XIII, 318).   Var. Thrapis.

cyanocephala / cyanocephalum
Gr. κυανος kuanos  dark-blue; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.
● ex “Soui-manga à tête bleue” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (subsp. Cyanomitra verticalis).
● ex “Lindo azul y oro cabeza celeste” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 98 (Cyanophonia).
● ex “Sylvia viridis” (= ♀) of Brisson 1760, “Pitpit vert” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blue-headed Warbler” of Latham 1783 (syn. Dacnis cayana).
● ex “Psittaca cyanocephalos” of Brisson 1760 (Psittacula).
● ex "Tangara varié à tête bleue de Cayenne" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 33, fig. 2 (Sporathraupis).
● ex “Turtle-Dove from Jamaica. Turtur jamaicensis” of Albin 1738 (Starnoenas).
● ex “Flauta del sol” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 356 (syn. Syrigma sibilatrix).
● ex “Gobe-mouche à tête bleuâtre de l’isle de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776, and “Blue-headed Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (unident.).


Blue-capped Tanager (cyanocephala)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala cyanocephala
cyanocephala / cyanocephalum
Gr. κυανος kuanos  dark-blue; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.
● ex “Soui-manga à tête bleue” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (subsp. Cyanomitra verticalis).
● ex “Lindo azul y oro cabeza celeste” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 98 (Cyanophonia).
● ex “Sylvia viridis” (= ♀) of Brisson 1760, “Pitpit vert” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blue-headed Warbler” of Latham 1783 (syn. Dacnis cayana).
● ex “Psittaca cyanocephalos” of Brisson 1760 (Psittacula).
● ex "Tangara varié à tête bleue de Cayenne" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 33, fig. 2 (Sporathraupis).
● ex “Turtle-Dove from Jamaica. Turtur jamaicensis” of Albin 1738 (Starnoenas).
● ex “Flauta del sol” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 356 (syn. Syrigma sibilatrix).
● ex “Gobe-mouche à tête bleuâtre de l’isle de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776, and “Blue-headed Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (unident.).

Blue-capped Tanager (annectens)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala annectens
annectans / annectens
L. annectens, annectentis  connecting  < annectere  to connect.
“Annectans nobis.  Annectant Bhuchanga nobis.  A singular species, returning, both by its form and habits, towards the forest,-haunting [sic] birds first described, through the 3rd or Tectirostris [= Dicrurus remifer], which it very closely resembles in the form of its bill” (Hodgson 1836) (see Bhuchanga) (Dicrurus).
● “This form serves to connect Sibia Hodg., as exemplified by S. capistrata, with Yuhina but cannot be placed satisfactorily with either.” (Blyth 1847) (Heterophasia).
● "Passerella iliaca annectens, subsp. nov.  YAKUTAT FOX SPARROW.  Similar to P. i. insularis but smaller (the bill especially) and coloration slightly darker; similar to P. i. townsendi, but the brown color less castaneous" (Ridgway 1900) (subsp. Passerella unalaschcensis).

Blue-capped Tanager (auricrissa)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala auricrissa
L. aurum  gold; Mod. L. crissum  vent  < L. crissare  to copulate.

Blue-capped Tanager (margaritae)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala margaritae
● Margarita Nikandrovna Zilova (fl. 1897) common-law wife of Russian ornithologist Konstantin Davydof (Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Alectoris chukar sinaica).
● Margaret Kernochan Pulitzer née Leech (1893-1974) US author, historian, wife of publisher and sponsor Ralph Pulitzer (Batis).
● Margarethe Koenig née Westphal (1865-1943) German field-naturalist, collector, wife of zoologist Prof. A. Koenig (subsp. Chersophilus duponti).
● Gabrielle Maud Vassal née Candler (fl. 1919) collector in tropical China and Indochina (subsp. Cissa chinensis).
● Subsequent spelling by author of subspecific name Coeligena torquata margaretae Zimmer, 1948 (syn. Coeligena torquata margaretae).
● Margaret Hall Holt née Lander (b. 1894) wife of US ornithologist Ernest G. Holt (Conirostrum).
● Isla Margarita, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela (subsp. Crypturellus erythropus, subsp. Megascops choliba, subsp. Phalaenopsis brasiliana, subsp. Rallus longirostris, subsp. Xiphorhynchus susurrans).
● Hon. Margaret Mary Fraser (1881-1973) sister of explorer Simon Fraser 14th Lord Lovat (syn. Estrilda paludicola ochrogaster).
● Amelia ‘Daisy’ Woolworth Smith née Smith (b. 1858) US preparator, collector in the Neotropics, wife of naturalist Herbert Huntington Smith (Spanish name margarita for the daisy flower) (subsp. Lampornis amethystinus, subsp. Sporathraupis cyanocephala, subsp. Tangara flava).
● Margaret Fitzell Gilliard née Tifft (1918-2008) wife of US ornithologist E. Thomas Gilliard (subsp. Paradisornis rudolphi).
● Isla Santa Margarita, Baja California, Mexico (subsp. Polioptila californica).
● Anne Louise Marguerite Dorst née Larpent (fl. 1956) wife of French ornithologist Jean Dorst (subsp. Psilopsiagon aurifrons).
● Marguerite Delacour (1860-1954) mother of French ornithologist Jean Delacour (Psittiparus).
● Margaret Boardman Conover (b. 1888) sister of US ornithologist Henry Boardman Conover (subsp. Zentrygon frenata).

Blue-capped Tanager (hypophaea)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala hypophaea
hypophaea / hypophaeus
Gr. ὑπο hupo  beneath; φαιος phaios  dusky (cf. ὑποφαιος hupophaios  somewhat grey).

Blue-capped Tanager (olivicyanea)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala olivicyanea
olivicyanea / olivicyaneus
L. oliva  olive; cyaneus  dark-blue  < Gr. κυανεος kuaneos  dark-blue, glossy.

Blue-capped Tanager (subcinerea)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala subcinerea
subcinerea / subcinereus
L. sub  beneath, somewhat; cinereus  ash-coloured  < cinis, cineris  ashes (cf. Mod. L. subcinereus  very pale grey).
● L. sub  near to; specific name Elainea cinerea von Pelzeln, 1868 (= subsp. Myiopagis caniceps) (subsp. Myiopagis gaimardii).

Blue-capped Tanager (buesingi)
SCI Name: Thraupis cyanocephala buesingi
Adolf Freiherr von Büsing-Orville (1860-1948) German industrialist (subsp. Sporathraupis cyanocephala).