Black-headed Bulbul

Black-headed Bulbul / Brachypodius atriceps

Black-headed Bulbul

Here the details of the Black-headed Bulbul named bird below:

SCI Name:  Brachypodius atriceps
Protonym:  Turdus atriceps Pl.Col. livr.25 pl.147
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blhbul1
Type Locality:  Java and Sumatra; type locality restricted to Java, by Robinson and Kloss, 1923, Journ. Fed. Malay States Mus., 11, p. 55.
Publish Year:  1822
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Black-headed Bulbul B. atriceps) Gr. βραχυς brakhus  short; ποδιον podion  little foot  < dim. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; "the species has a good deal the character of an Alcippe  ...  excepting in its very small tarsi and toes" (Blyth 1845); "there remains that of Lanius melanocephalus, Gm., and its congeners, for which I can find no appellation, and shall therefore designate Brachypodius.  ...   Brachypodius, nobis.    1. Br. entilotus [sic], (Jardine and Selby), Ill. Orn., 2nd series. (Non vidi.) Hab. Malacca.   2. Br. poiocephalus, (Jerdon). Southern India.   3. Br. melanocephalus, (Gmelin): Turdoides atriceps, Temminck. Malay countries, extending northwards to Arracan and Tipperah.   4. Br. cinereoventris, Nobis.  ...  Inhabits Tipperah.   5. Br. tristis, nobis.  ...  inhabits Penang.  ...  6? Br.? criniger, A. Hay.  ...  Inhabits Malacca." (Blyth 1845); "Brachypodius Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 576. Type, by original designation, Lanius melanocephalos Gmelin [1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, p. 309 ( not Lanius melanocephalos Gmelin 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, p. 301) = Turdus atriceps Temminck 1822]." (Deignan in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 227).
Synon. Brachypus, Micropus, Prosecusa.

L. ater  black; -ceps  -capped, -headed  < caput, capitis  head.


Black-headed Bulbul (atriceps)
SCI Name: Brachypodius atriceps atriceps
L. ater  black; -ceps  -capped, -headed  < caput, capitis  head.

Black-headed Bulbul (hyperemnus)
SCI Name: Brachypodius atriceps hyperemnus
Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; ερεμνος eremnos murky, dark.

Black-headed Bulbul (baweanus)
SCI Name: Brachypodius atriceps baweanus
baweana / baweanum / baweanus
Bawean I., Java Sea, Indonesia.

Black-headed Bulbul (hodiernus)
SCI Name: Brachypodius atriceps hodiernus
L. hodiernus  of today, of the present time, actual  < hodie  today  < hoc die  on this day.