Hose’s Broadbill

Hose\'s Broadbill / Calyptomena hosii

Hose's Broadbill

Here the details of the Hose's Broadbill named bird below:

SCI Name:  Calyptomena hosii
Protonym:  Calyptomena Hosii Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(6), 9 p.249
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Calyptomenidae /
Taxonomy Code:  hosbro1
Type Locality:  Mt. Dulit, Borneo.
Publish Year:  1892
IUCN Status:  


(Calyptomenidae; Ϯ Green Broadbill C. viridis) Gr. καλυπτος kaluptos  covered  < καλυπτω kaluptō  to conceal; μηνη mēnē  moon; "The first, which I propose to name Calyptomena (a καλυπτω, velo), is characterized as follows:  Bill depressed and broad at the base, hooked at the point, and almost concealed by the feathers of the head.  Nostrils round.  Tongue short.  Feet gressorial.    CALYPTOMENA VIRIDIS.  BURONG TAMPO PINANG.   ...  This very singular and beautiful bird is about six inches and a half in length.  Its colour is a brilliant green, like that of the Parrots.  The head is rather large, and its feathers are directed forwards from each side in such a manner as nearly to conceal the bill, giving the face a very peculiar appearance." (Raffles 1822); "Calyptomena Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, pt. 2, 1822, p. 295. Type, by monotypy, Calyptomena viridis Raffles." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 12).
Var. Caliptomena, Calyptomene, Calyptomaena, Calyptomina, Calyptomeina, Calyptomenes.

hosei / hosii
Charles Hose (1863-1929) English civil servant in Sarawak 1884-1907, naturalist, ethnologist (Calyptomena, syn. Cyornis rufigastra, syn. Dicaeum cruentatum nigrimentum, subsp. Hydrornis caeruleus, Oriolus).