Antillean Piculet

Antillean Piculet / Nesoctites micromegas

Antillean Piculet

Here the details of the Antillean Piculet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Nesoctites micromegas
Protonym:  Picumnus micromegas Consp.Av.Picinarum p.103
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  antpic1
Type Locality:  Brazil; error := Hispaniola.
Publish Year:  1866
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ Antillean Piculet N. micromegas) Gr. νησος nēsos  island (= Hispaniola); κτιτης ktitēs  inhabitant  < κτιζω ktizō  to colonise; "[Key] j'''.  Larger, length 5 inches, wing 2·9; upper tail-coverts long and reaching nearly to the middle of the tail; bastard-primary long, extending considerably beyond the greater wing-coverts; bill more slender and curved, the tip much depressed; outer posterior toe considerably longer than the outer anterior toe. . .47. NESOCTITES   ...   Nesoctites . . . .Type. N. micromegas.   Range. Confined to Haiti and San Domingo.    1. Nesoctites micromegas." (Hargitt 1890).

Gr. μικρος mikros  small; μεγας megas  large (i.e. the biggest of the smallest woodpeckers); “Tribus 1.  PICUMNI ENORMES  ceteris majores, virescentes, rectricibus fuscescentibus, unicoloribus  ...  1. PICUMNUS micromegas n.  ...  Gigas inter nanos: magnitudine fere Passeris.” (Sundevall 1866) (Nesoctites).


Antillean Piculet (micromegas)
SCI Name: Nesoctites micromegas micromegas
Gr. μικρος mikros  small; μεγας megas  large (i.e. the biggest of the smallest woodpeckers); “Tribus 1.  PICUMNI ENORMES  ceteris majores, virescentes, rectricibus fuscescentibus, unicoloribus  ...  1. PICUMNUS micromegas n.  ...  Gigas inter nanos: magnitudine fere Passeris.” (Sundevall 1866) (Nesoctites).

Antillean Piculet (abbotti)
SCI Name: Nesoctites micromegas abbotti
● Dr William Louis Abbott (1860-1936) US surgeon, explorer, ethnologist, naturalist who collected widely around the world 1883-1923 (syn. Brachypodius atriceps baweanus, syn. Butorides striata javanica, subsp. Cacatua sulphurea, ‡subsp. Calyptophilus frugivorusCelebesica, syn. Chlorophoneus multicolor, subsp. Cinnyris souimanga, syn. Coccyzus minor, subsp. Cyanecula svecica, ‡subsp. Dryolimnas cuvieri, syn. Hirundo tahitica javanica, subsp. Hypothymis azurea, syn. Kittacincla malabarica tricolor, syn. Lybius leucocephalus albicauda, subsp. Megapodius nicobariensis, subsp. Nesoctites micromegas, subsp. Nyctibius jamaicensis, Papasula, syn. Phodilus badius, subsp. Pitta sordida, subsp. Psittacula alexandri, Psittinus, subsp. Spilornis cheela, syn. Streptopelia picturata rostrata, subsp. Threskiornis bernieri, syn. Treron vernans).
● Lt.-Col. John Richard Abbott (1811-1888) British Army, Assistant-Commissioner of the Arakan, Burma 1837-1845 (Malacocincla).
● Dr Charles Greeley Abbott (1872-1973) US astrophysicist, solar researcher, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1928-1944, Secretary Emeritus 1944-1973 (syn. Tychaedon coryphoeus).