Cinnamon Teal

Cinnamon Teal / Spatula cyanoptera

Cinnamon Teal

Here the details of the Cinnamon Teal named bird below:

SCI Name:  Spatula cyanoptera
Protonym:  Anas cyanoptera Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 5 p.104
Taxonomy:  Anseriformes / Anatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  cintea
Type Locality:  Rio de la Plata and Buenos Aires.
Publish Year:  1816
IUCN Status:  


(Anatidae; Ϯ Northern Shoveler S. clypeata) L. spatula  spoon  < dim. spatha  spatula  < Gr. σπαθη spathē  spatula; "The Shoveler. Anas clypeata Germanis  ...  its Bill is three Inches long, coal black, much broader towards the Tip than at the Base, excavated like a Buckler, of a round Circumference" (Albin 1731); "[Anas] clypeata.  16. A[nas]. rostri extremo dilatato rotundato, ungue incurvo" (Linnaeus 1758); "71. Familie. Enten, Anas.  ...  152. Gattung.  Spatula.   388. clypeata." (Boie 1822); "Spatula Boie, Isis von Oken, 1822, col. 564. Type, by monotypy, Anas clypeata Linné." (Peters 1931, I, 169).
Synon. Adelonetta, Clypeata, Cyanopterus, PterocyaneaPunanetta, Querquedula, Rhynchaspis, Rhynchoplatus.

Gr. κυανοπτερος kuanopteros dark-winged, blue-winged < κυανος kuanos dark-blue; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing.
● ex “Pato alas azules” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 434 (Spatula).
● ex “Lindo saihobí” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 92 (Tangara).


Cinnamon Teal (septentrionalium)
SCI Name: Spatula cyanoptera septentrionalium
septentrionale / septentrionales / septentrionalis / septentrionalium
L. septemtrionalis  northern  < septemtrio  north.
● Erroneous TL "Northern parts of America" (= Tonga Tabu); ex “Northern Shrike” of Latham 1781 (syn. Clytorhynchus vitiensis).

Cinnamon Teal (tropica)
SCI Name: Spatula cyanoptera tropica
Late L. tropicus  tropical  < L. tropicus  of turning  < Gr. τροπικος  tropikos  of the solstice  < τροπη tropē  turning  < τρεπω trepō  to change.

Cinnamon Teal (borreroi)
SCI Name: Spatula cyanoptera borreroi
Dr José Ignacio Borrero Higuera (1921-2004) Colombian ornithologist (syn. Dendroplex picus peruvianus, subsp. Spatula cyanoptera).

Cinnamon Teal (orinoma)
SCI Name: Spatula cyanoptera orinoma
orinoma / orinomus
Gr. ορεινομος oreinomos  feeding on the hills  < ορος oros, ορεος oreos  mountain; -νομος -nomos  -feeding  < νεμω nemō  to consume.

Cinnamon Teal (cyanoptera)
SCI Name: Spatula cyanoptera cyanoptera
Gr. κυανοπτερος kuanopteros dark-winged, blue-winged < κυανος kuanos dark-blue; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing.
● ex “Pato alas azules” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 434 (Spatula).
● ex “Lindo saihobí” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 92 (Tangara).