Three-banded Plover

Three-banded Plover / Charadrius tricollaris

Three-banded Plover

Here the details of the Three-banded Plover named bird below:

SCI Name:  Charadrius tricollaris
Protonym:  Charadrius tricollaris Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 27 p.147
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Charadriidae /
Taxonomy Code:  thbplo1
Type Locality:  Africa, restricted type locality. Cape Town, Grant, Ibis, 1915, p. 57.
Publish Year:  1818
IUCN Status:  


(Charadriidae; Ϯ Ringed Plover C. hiaticula) Late L. charadrius yellowish bird mentioned in the Vulgate Bible (late 4th century) < Gr. χαραδριος kharadrios  unknown plain-coloured nocturnal bird that dwelt in ravines and river valleys  < χαραδρα kharadra  ravine. According to some authors the sight of it was said to cure jaundice. Early identifications included the Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus; "79. CHARADRIUS.  Rostrum teretiusculum, obtusum.  Pedes tridactyli." (Linnaeus 1758); "Charadrius Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 150. Type, by tautonymy, Charadrius hiaticula Linné. (Charadrios s. Hiaticula Aldrovandus, prebinomial specific name in synonymy.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 245). Linnaeus's Charadrius comprised eleven species (C. cristatus, C. Hiaticula, C. alexandrinus, C. vociferus, C. ægyptius, C. Morinellus, C. apricarius, C. Pluvialis, C. Oedicnemus, C. Himantopus, C. spinosus).   
Var. Charadrias, Charadias.   
Synon. Aegialeus, Aegialitis, Aegialophilus, Afraegialis, Afroxyechus, Cirrepidesmus, Eupoda, Eupodella, Helenaegialus, Hiaticula, Hyetoceryx, Leucopolius, Neocharadrius, Nesoceryx, Ochthodromus, Oxyechus, Pagoa, Pagolla, Paroxyechus, Pernettyva, Pipus, Pluviorhynchus, Podasocys, Zonibyx.

Mod. L. tricollaris  three-collared, three-banded  < L. tri- three-   < tres  three; collare, collaris  neck-chain, collar.


Three-banded Plover (African)
SCI Name: Charadrius tricollaris tricollaris
Mod. L. tricollaris  three-collared, three-banded  < L. tri- three-   < tres  three; collare, collaris  neck-chain, collar.

Three-banded Plover (Madagascar)
SCI Name: Charadrius tricollaris bifrontatus
L. bi-  two-  < bis  twice; Mod. L. frontatus  fronted, browed  < L. frons, frontis  brow, forehead.