White-throated Quail-Dove

White-throated Quail-Dove / Zentrygon frenata

White-throated Quail-Dove

Here the details of the White-throated Quail-Dove named bird below:

SCI Name:  Zentrygon frenata
Protonym:  Columba frenata Arch.Naturgesch. 9 p.386
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wtqdov1
Type Locality:  Eastern slopes of the Andes of Peru.
Publish Year:  1843
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Buff-fronted Quail Dove Z. costaricensis) Portmanteau of genera Zenaida Bonaparte, 1838, dove, and Geotrygon Gosse, 1847, quail dove; "A clade of six mainly montane species generally allotted to Geotrygon was recovered (Johnson and Weckstein 2011; Fig. 1) as sister to a clade containing all species of Zenaida.  No generic name is currently available for this group, for which we propose:  Zentrygon, new genus    Type species. Geotrygon costaricensis Lawrence, 1868.   ...   In addition to the type species this genus contains the species originally described as Geotrygon lawrencii Salvin, 1874; Geotrygon albifacies Sclater, 1858; Columba frenata Tschudi, 1843; Geotrygon goldmani Nelson, 1912; and Geotrygon chiriquensis Sclater, 1856  ...  Geotrygon carrikeri Wetmore, 1941  ...  and G. linearis (Prĕvost, 1843)  ...   Etymology. This feminine name is formed from Zenaida and Geotrygon, to reflect the phylogenetic relationship with the former genus and the general form and habits long associated with quail-doves." (Banks et al. 2013); "Zentrygon Banks, Weckstein, Remsen and Johnson, 2013, Zootaxa, 3669 (2), p. 185.  Type, by original designation, Geotrygon costaricensis Lawrence, 1868." (JAJ 2020).

frenata / frenatus
L. frenatus  bridled  < frenare  to bridle  < frena, frenorum  bridle, reins  < frenum  bridle, curb, bit   < frendere  to grind the teeth (e.g. coloured malar or moustachial streaks or patterned lores).
 "3.  PTILOTIS FRENATA, nov. sp.   Of this new species, for which I beg leave to propose the name of P. frenata, on account of the markings at the base of the bill and round the face, some few individuals were obtained frequenting the Eucalypti while in blossom, near the margin of a swamp in the Cardwell district." (Ramsay 1875) (Bolemoreus).
• "MÉRION BRIDÉ.  MALURUS FRENATUS. TEMM.   Nous désignons ce Mérion par l'épithète mentionnée, vu qu'il porte de chaque côté du cou une bande blanche longitudinale partant de l'angle du bec, et disposée sur le cou comme s'il était muni de brides." (Temminck 1826) (Chaetops).
• "Nectarinia frenata, s. sp. is over het geheel zeer naauw verwant aan Nect. eximia, Temm. (Nect. pectoralis, Horsf.), doch het mannetje mist de metaal-zwartachtig blaauwe vlek op het voorhoofd, terwijl het aan iedere zijde van het hoofd twee (ééne boven en ééne beneden het oog) smalle, licht gele, overlangsche strepen heeft." (S. Müller 1843) (subsp. Cinnyris jugularis).
• "FALCO.   ...   656. F. frenatus Ill. Fem.  Buse brune des champs Azar. 33. Brasil.  Obs. Hujus Mas: Epervier noir et blanc Azar. 28.  F. leucomelas Ill." (Lichtenstein 1823) (syn. Circus cinereus ☼).
• "*304 B. — Cyornis frenatus, Sp. Nov.  ...  The prominent feature of this new species is a broad pure white streak from the point of the forehead to the upper part of the eye, extending a little beyond the level of the anterior angle of the latter.  The greater part of the lores, at any rate that portion immediately in front of the eye, is black." (Hume 1880) (syn. Cyornis rufigastra).
• "SCOLOPAX.   ...   770. S. Gallinago Lin. —  Aegypt. Senegamb.   Not. Sc. frenata Ill. e Brasilia (Becassime Azar. 387.)  vix a Gallinagine distinguenda." (Lichtenstein 1823) (syn. Gallinago paraguaiae).
• "CHLOROTHRAUPIS CARMIOLI FRENATA subsp. n.   Chl. Chl. carmioli dictae simillima, differt loris plumulisque frontalibus naribus proximis flavescentibus, nec pileo concoloribus (olivaceis)" (von Berlepsch 1907) (Habia).
• "Zahlreiche, von uns verglichene Exemplare des sogenannten M. Bullockii aus Sennaar unterscheiden sich constant von dem Vogel Westafrica's durch den türkisblauen Saum, welcher, unter dem Kinne herlaufend, den schwarzen Kopfseitenfleck untenher ganz, oben aber auf der Stirn, deutlich sichtbar bis über das Auge hinaus begränzt.  Diese Zeichnung ist beiden Geschlechtern eigenthümlich und fehlt dem ächten M. Bullockii Westafrica's durchaus, welcher, wie Swainson mit Recht bemerkt, nur einen schwach bläulichen Anflug vor den Nasenlöchern zeigt.  Zudem ist der dunkelblaue Saum des schwarzen Flügelflecks bei dem Vogel Ostafrica's, für welchen wir den Namen M. frenatus vorschlagen, schöner und deutlicher, als bei M. Bullockii." (Hartlaub 1854) (subsp. Merops bulocki).
• "*No. 22.  S. frenata. —  Saxicola frenata Heugl. —  Saxicola (?) Heugl. Cab. Journ. 1862. p. 290. —  Saxicola Kotschyana Pr. Würt. Coll. Mergenth —  S. ferruginea Heugl. Syst. Ueb. No. 234.  ...  loris et regione parotica nigerrimis; stria supraoculari a naribus orta, mento, gula, tectricibus superioribus caudae albis" (von Heuglin 1869) (Oenanthe).
• "LA PERRUCHE A COLLIER ROSE.  ...  une petite ligne noire du coin de l'œil aux narines." (Levaillant, 1801, Hist. nat. perroquets, I, text to pl. XXII); description not yet seen (Lichtenstein, 1820, Zweites Preisverzeichniss Doubletten Zool. Mus. K. Univ. Berlin, p. 1) (syn. Psittacula krameri).
• "As Mr. Sharpe [Cat. Birds B. M. III, p. 278] has already pointed out, the Sumatran and Malaccan birds are specifically distinct from those from Java (virgatus Temm.) by their larger size, and by the grayish brown color being much darker and reaching up to the chin, leaving the moustaches pure white  ...  In our three specimens from Borneo, amongst which only one fully adult male, the bill is considerably larger and stouter than in those from Sumatra.  ...  If the mentioned characters might prove to hold good in more material than I have at my disposal, I would propose to separate the Bornean specimens under the name of T. frenatus, under which name Temminck separated the mentioned three specimens from Borneo from those from Java and Sumatra as a new species, though this latter, as so many others, were never published." (Büttikofer 1887) (subsp. Tephrodornis virgatus).
• "5)  Columba frenata.   C. capite olivaceo-griseo; sincipite dilutiore; gula pure alba; deraeo laete cano; facie subtiliter cinereo-rufescente a parauchenio vitta nigra separata; regione auriculari macula oblonga nigricante" (von Tschudi 1843) (Zentrygon).
• see  fretensis (syn. Hirundo rustica gutturalis).


White-throated Quail-Dove (bourcieri)
SCI Name: Zentrygon frenata bourcieri
Claude-Marie Jules Bourcier (1797-1873) French Consul-Gen. to Ecuador 1849-1850, naturalist, collector specialising in hummingbirds (Ametrornis, subsp. Chlorochrysa calliparaea, syn. Mino anais, syn. Nothocercus juliusZentrygon).

White-throated Quail-Dove (erythropareia)
SCI Name: Zentrygon frenata erythropareia
Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; παρεια pareia cheek.

White-throated Quail-Dove (frenata)
SCI Name: Zentrygon frenata frenata
frenata / frenatus
L. frenatus  bridled  < frenare  to bridle  < frena, frenorum  bridle, reins  < frenum  bridle, curb, bit   < frendere  to grind the teeth (e.g. coloured malar or moustachial streaks or patterned lores).
 "3.  PTILOTIS FRENATA, nov. sp.   Of this new species, for which I beg leave to propose the name of P. frenata, on account of the markings at the base of the bill and round the face, some few individuals were obtained frequenting the Eucalypti while in blossom, near the margin of a swamp in the Cardwell district." (Ramsay 1875) (Bolemoreus).
• "MÉRION BRIDÉ.  MALURUS FRENATUS. TEMM.   Nous désignons ce Mérion par l'épithète mentionnée, vu qu'il porte de chaque côté du cou une bande blanche longitudinale partant de l'angle du bec, et disposée sur le cou comme s'il était muni de brides." (Temminck 1826) (Chaetops).
• "Nectarinia frenata, s. sp. is over het geheel zeer naauw verwant aan Nect. eximia, Temm. (Nect. pectoralis, Horsf.), doch het mannetje mist de metaal-zwartachtig blaauwe vlek op het voorhoofd, terwijl het aan iedere zijde van het hoofd twee (ééne boven en ééne beneden het oog) smalle, licht gele, overlangsche strepen heeft." (S. Müller 1843) (subsp. Cinnyris jugularis).
• "FALCO.   ...   656. F. frenatus Ill. Fem.  Buse brune des champs Azar. 33. Brasil.  Obs. Hujus Mas: Epervier noir et blanc Azar. 28.  F. leucomelas Ill." (Lichtenstein 1823) (syn. Circus cinereus ☼).
• "*304 B. — Cyornis frenatus, Sp. Nov.  ...  The prominent feature of this new species is a broad pure white streak from the point of the forehead to the upper part of the eye, extending a little beyond the level of the anterior angle of the latter.  The greater part of the lores, at any rate that portion immediately in front of the eye, is black." (Hume 1880) (syn. Cyornis rufigastra).
• "SCOLOPAX.   ...   770. S. Gallinago Lin. —  Aegypt. Senegamb.   Not. Sc. frenata Ill. e Brasilia (Becassime Azar. 387.)  vix a Gallinagine distinguenda." (Lichtenstein 1823) (syn. Gallinago paraguaiae).
• "CHLOROTHRAUPIS CARMIOLI FRENATA subsp. n.   Chl. Chl. carmioli dictae simillima, differt loris plumulisque frontalibus naribus proximis flavescentibus, nec pileo concoloribus (olivaceis)" (von Berlepsch 1907) (Habia).
• "Zahlreiche, von uns verglichene Exemplare des sogenannten M. Bullockii aus Sennaar unterscheiden sich constant von dem Vogel Westafrica's durch den türkisblauen Saum, welcher, unter dem Kinne herlaufend, den schwarzen Kopfseitenfleck untenher ganz, oben aber auf der Stirn, deutlich sichtbar bis über das Auge hinaus begränzt.  Diese Zeichnung ist beiden Geschlechtern eigenthümlich und fehlt dem ächten M. Bullockii Westafrica's durchaus, welcher, wie Swainson mit Recht bemerkt, nur einen schwach bläulichen Anflug vor den Nasenlöchern zeigt.  Zudem ist der dunkelblaue Saum des schwarzen Flügelflecks bei dem Vogel Ostafrica's, für welchen wir den Namen M. frenatus vorschlagen, schöner und deutlicher, als bei M. Bullockii." (Hartlaub 1854) (subsp. Merops bulocki).
• "*No. 22.  S. frenata. —  Saxicola frenata Heugl. —  Saxicola (?) Heugl. Cab. Journ. 1862. p. 290. —  Saxicola Kotschyana Pr. Würt. Coll. Mergenth —  S. ferruginea Heugl. Syst. Ueb. No. 234.  ...  loris et regione parotica nigerrimis; stria supraoculari a naribus orta, mento, gula, tectricibus superioribus caudae albis" (von Heuglin 1869) (Oenanthe).
• "LA PERRUCHE A COLLIER ROSE.  ...  une petite ligne noire du coin de l'œil aux narines." (Levaillant, 1801, Hist. nat. perroquets, I, text to pl. XXII); description not yet seen (Lichtenstein, 1820, Zweites Preisverzeichniss Doubletten Zool. Mus. K. Univ. Berlin, p. 1) (syn. Psittacula krameri).
• "As Mr. Sharpe [Cat. Birds B. M. III, p. 278] has already pointed out, the Sumatran and Malaccan birds are specifically distinct from those from Java (virgatus Temm.) by their larger size, and by the grayish brown color being much darker and reaching up to the chin, leaving the moustaches pure white  ...  In our three specimens from Borneo, amongst which only one fully adult male, the bill is considerably larger and stouter than in those from Sumatra.  ...  If the mentioned characters might prove to hold good in more material than I have at my disposal, I would propose to separate the Bornean specimens under the name of T. frenatus, under which name Temminck separated the mentioned three specimens from Borneo from those from Java and Sumatra as a new species, though this latter, as so many others, were never published." (Büttikofer 1887) (subsp. Tephrodornis virgatus).
• "5)  Columba frenata.   C. capite olivaceo-griseo; sincipite dilutiore; gula pure alba; deraeo laete cano; facie subtiliter cinereo-rufescente a parauchenio vitta nigra separata; regione auriculari macula oblonga nigricante" (von Tschudi 1843) (Zentrygon).
• see  fretensis (syn. Hirundo rustica gutturalis).

White-throated Quail-Dove (margaritae)
SCI Name: Zentrygon frenata margaritae
● Margarita Nikandrovna Zilova (fl. 1897) common-law wife of Russian ornithologist Konstantin Davydof (Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Alectoris chukar sinaica).
● Margaret Kernochan Pulitzer née Leech (1893-1974) US author, historian, wife of publisher and sponsor Ralph Pulitzer (Batis).
● Margarethe Koenig née Westphal (1865-1943) German field-naturalist, collector, wife of zoologist Prof. A. Koenig (subsp. Chersophilus duponti).
● Gabrielle Maud Vassal née Candler (fl. 1919) collector in tropical China and Indochina (subsp. Cissa chinensis).
● Subsequent spelling by author of subspecific name Coeligena torquata margaretae Zimmer, 1948 (syn. Coeligena torquata margaretae).
● Margaret Hall Holt née Lander (b. 1894) wife of US ornithologist Ernest G. Holt (Conirostrum).
● Isla Margarita, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela (subsp. Crypturellus erythropus, subsp. Megascops choliba, subsp. Phalaenopsis brasiliana, subsp. Rallus longirostris, subsp. Xiphorhynchus susurrans).
● Hon. Margaret Mary Fraser (1881-1973) sister of explorer Simon Fraser 14th Lord Lovat (syn. Estrilda paludicola ochrogaster).
● Amelia ‘Daisy’ Woolworth Smith née Smith (b. 1858) US preparator, collector in the Neotropics, wife of naturalist Herbert Huntington Smith (Spanish name margarita for the daisy flower) (subsp. Lampornis amethystinus, subsp. Sporathraupis cyanocephala, subsp. Tangara flava).
● Margaret Fitzell Gilliard née Tifft (1918-2008) wife of US ornithologist E. Thomas Gilliard (subsp. Paradisornis rudolphi).
● Isla Santa Margarita, Baja California, Mexico (subsp. Polioptila californica).
● Anne Louise Marguerite Dorst née Larpent (fl. 1956) wife of French ornithologist Jean Dorst (subsp. Psilopsiagon aurifrons).
● Marguerite Delacour (1860-1954) mother of French ornithologist Jean Delacour (Psittiparus).
● Margaret Boardman Conover (b. 1888) sister of US ornithologist Henry Boardman Conover (subsp. Zentrygon frenata).