Groove-billed Ani

Groove-billed Ani / Crotophaga sulcirostris

Groove-billed Ani

Here the details of the Groove-billed Ani named bird below:

SCI Name:  Crotophaga sulcirostris
Protonym:  Crotophaga sulcirostris Philos.Mag.n.s. n.s., 1 p.440
Taxonomy:  Cuculiformes / Cuculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  grbani
Type Locality:  Temascaltepec, Mexico.
Publish Year:  1827
IUCN Status:  


(Cuculidae; Ϯ Smooth-billed Ani C. ani) Gr. κροτων krotōn, κροτωνος krotōnos  tick; -φαγος -phagos  -eating  < φαγειν phagein  to eat; “They live chiefly upon ticks and other small vermin” (P. Browne 1769); “Crotophagus of Linnaeus and Brisson ...  because this genus feeds on ticks ...  I retain the Brasilian name Ani” (Pennant 1773) (pace Payne in del Hoyo et al. (eds.) 1998, “Anis often have a strong smell  ... Their generic name Crotophaga means eater of “croton oil”, which is the oil of the East Indian croton tree (Croton tiglium) and is a foul-smelling medicinal purgative”); "47. CROTOPHAGA.  Rostrum compressum, semiovatum, arcuatum, sulco utrinque exaratum; Mandibula superiore margine utrinque angulata.  Nares perviæ." (Linnaeus 1758); "Crotophaga Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 105. Type, by monotypy, Crotophaga ani Linné." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 57). This is the eighth diagnosed genus in avian taxonomy. Linnaeus's Crotophaga comprised only one species.
Var. Crotophagus, Cratophaga.

crotophaga / crotophagus
Gr. κροτων krotōn, κροτωνος krotōnos  tick; -φαγος -phagos  -eating  < φαγειν phagein  to eat.
● ex “Chimachima” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 6 (syn. Milvago chimachima).

L. sulcus  furrow; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.