Speckled Hummingbird

Speckled Hummingbird / Adelomyia melanogenys

Speckled Hummingbird

Here the details of the Speckled Hummingbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Adelomyia melanogenys
Protonym:  Trochilus melanogenys Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt8 no.86 p.18
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spehum1
Type Locality:  Bogota, Colombia.
Publish Year:  1840
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Speckled Hummingbird A. melanogenys) Gr. αδηλος adēlos  obscure, unknown  < negative prefix α- a- ; δηλος dēlos  visible; μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly. In ornithology myia and myias signify very small, “fly-sized” birds or flycatchers. "g. Metallureæ.   ...   44. ADELOMYIA, Bp.  —  162. sabina, Bourc. 1846.  —  163. inornata, Gould, 1846.  —  164. floriceps, Gould, 1853." (Bonaparte 1854); "Adelomyia Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool., (2), 6, 1854, p. 253. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus sabinae Bourcier = Trochilus melanogenys Fraser. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 141.)" (Peters 1945, V, 84).
Var. Adelomya.
Synon. Adelisca.

melanogenia / melanogenis / melanogenius / melanogenys
Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; γενυς genus, γενυος genuos  cheek, chin, jaw.


Speckled Hummingbird (melanogenys Group)
SCI Name: Adelomyia melanogenys [melanogenys Group]
(Trochilidae; Ϯ Speckled Hummingbird A. melanogenys) Gr. αδηλος adēlos  obscure, unknown  < negative prefix α- a- ; δηλος dēlos  visible; μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly. In ornithology myia and myias signify very small, “fly-sized” birds or flycatchers. "g. Metallureæ.   ...   44. ADELOMYIA, Bp.  —  162. sabina, Bourc. 1846.  —  163. inornata, Gould, 1846.  —  164. floriceps, Gould, 1853." (Bonaparte 1854); "Adelomyia Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool., (2), 6, 1854, p. 253. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus sabinae Bourcier = Trochilus melanogenys Fraser. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 141.)" (Peters 1945, V, 84).
Var. Adelomya.
Synon. Adelisca.

Speckled Hummingbird (maculata)
SCI Name: Adelomyia melanogenys maculata
L. maculatus spotted, blotched < maculare to make spotted < macula spot (cf. Late Med. L. maculatus reticulated, chain-mailed).
● ex “Pivote ortolane de Provence” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 654, fig. 2, “Pivote ortolane” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “”Spotted Wheat-ear” of Latham 1783 (?syn. Anthus trivialis).
● ex “Barbu à ventre tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 746, fig. 1 (syn. Bucco tamatia).
● ex “Crabier tacheté de la Martinique” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 912, and “Crabier vert tacheté” of de Buffon 1770-1786 (syn. Butorides striata virescens).
● ex “Soui-manga varié” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (syn. Chalcomitra fuliginosa).
● ex “Spotted-winged Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Chasiempis sandwichensis).
● ex “Cock Purple-breasted Manakin” of Edwards 1764, and “Cotinga du Brésil” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 188 (Cotinga).
● ex “Gobe-mouche noir de Lorraine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 565, figs. 2, 3 (syn. Ficedula hypoleuca).
● ex “Matkneltzel” and “Matkern” of Willughby 1676 and Ray 1713, “Porphyrio punctulatus” of Brisson 1760, and “Speckled Gallinule” of Latham 1785 (syn. Gallinula chloropus).
● ex “Hatí manchado” (= ☼) of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 415 (syn. Sternula superciliaris).
● ex “Paloma parda manchada” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 322 (syn. Zenaida auriculata chrysauchenia).

Speckled Hummingbird (inornata)
SCI Name: Adelomyia melanogenys inornata
inornata / inornatum / inornatus
L. inornatus  plain, unadorned  < in-  not; ornatus  adorned, decorated  < ornare  to adorn.
● See: mavornata