Fuscous Flycatcher

Fuscous Flycatcher / Cnemotriccus fuscatus

Fuscous Flycatcher

Here the details of the Fuscous Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cnemotriccus fuscatus
Protonym:  M[uscipeta] fuscata Beitr.Naturgesch.Brasil. 3 p.902
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  fusfly1
Type Locality:  no locality; probably Rio de Janeiro, cf. Hellmayr, 1927, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 5, p. 222.
Publish Year:  1831
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Fuscous Flycatcher C. fuscatus) Gr. κνημος knēmos  mountain-slope; τρικκος trikkos  unidentified small bird; the Fuscous Flycatcher was described from the hilly coastal woodlands of south-eastern Brazil.  In ornithology triccus signifies tyrant flycatcher; "Genus CNEMOTRICCUS Hellmayr, nomen nov.   Empidochanes SCLATER (not of SCLATER 1862)b, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 14, p. 216, 1888 — type Empidochanes fringillaris PELZELN = Muscipeta fuscata WIED.   ...   b Empidochanes SCLATER 1862 proves to be a synonym of Myiophobus (see footnote on p. 246), and a new name had consequently to be created for the group of birds allied to Muscipeta fuscata WIED." (Hellmayr, 1927, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. V, p. 221).
Synon. Empidochanes.

L. fuscatus dark  < fuscare  to darken  < fuscus  dark, black.
● ex “Hirondelle de Mer brune” of Brisson 1760; “Linnaeus’s S. fuscata ...is based on a young bird” (BOU 1915) (Onychoprion).


Fuscous Flycatcher (Campina)
SCI Name: Cnemotriccus fuscatus duidae
Cerro Duida, Amazonas, Venezuela.

Fuscous Flycatcher (Fuscous)
SCI Name: Cnemotriccus fuscatus [fuscatus Group]
(Tyrannidae; Fuscous Flycatcher C. fuscatus) Gr. κνημος knēmos  mountain-slope; τρικκος trikkos  unidentified small bird; the Fuscous Flycatcher was described from the hilly coastal woodlands of south-eastern Brazil.  In ornithology triccus signifies tyrant flycatcher; "Genus CNEMOTRICCUS Hellmayr, nomen nov.   Empidochanes SCLATER (not of SCLATER 1862)b, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 14, p. 216, 1888 — type Empidochanes fringillaris PELZELN = Muscipeta fuscata WIED.   ...   b Empidochanes SCLATER 1862 proves to be a synonym of Myiophobus (see footnote on p. 246), and a new name had consequently to be created for the group of birds allied to Muscipeta fuscata WIED." (Hellmayr, 1927, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. V, p. 221).
Synon. Empidochanes.