Coppery Metaltail

Coppery Metaltail / Metallura theresiae

Coppery Metaltail

Here the details of the Coppery Metaltail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Metallura theresiae
Protonym:  Metallura theresiae Novit.Zool. 9 p.181
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  copmet1
Type Locality:  Tayabamba, Dept. of Pataz, Peru.
Publish Year:  1902
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Black Metaltail M. phoebe) Gr. μεταλλον metallon  metal; ουρα oura  tail; "METALLURA, gen. nov.   Char. gen.— Rostrum rectum, sublongum.  Plumæ molles sericeæ.  Cauda subgrandis, rotundata.  Gula et rectrices infra tanquam metallum expolitum luminosæ.  Alæ subgrandes.  Tarsi nudi.  Pedes subgrandes.  Digitus et unguis postici digitum et unguem medios longitudine æquantes vel superantes.   ...    The species are— Trochilus cupreocauda, Gould.  Trochilus æneocauda, Gould.  Trochilus Alardi, Bourc.  Trochilus smaragdinicollis, D'Orb.  Trochilus Williami, Bourc." (Gould 1847); "Metallura Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 15, 1847, p. 94. Type, by subsequent designation, Ornismya cupreicauda Gould = Ornismya phoebe Lesson and DeLattre. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 22.)" (Peters 1945, V, 118).
Var. Meltalura.
Synon. Laticauda, Lavinia, Urolampra.

● Therese Charlotte Marianne Auguste Prinzessin von Bayern (1850–1925) German zoologist, anthropologist, explorer, daughter of Luitpold Prinzregent von Bayern (syn. Coracias benghalensis affinis).
● Marie Thérèse Baer née Simon (fl. 1901) wife of French natural history dealer and collector Gustave A. Baer (Metallura).
● Teresa Cristina Maria de Bourbon-Sicílias e Bragança (1822-1889) Empress Consort to Pedro II Emperor of Brazil (reigned 1831-1889) (Polytmus).


Coppery Metaltail (parkeri)
SCI Name: Metallura theresiae parkeri
● Shane Alwyne Parker (1943-1992) English ornithologist, emigrated to Australia 1967, Curator of Birds at South Australian Mus. 1976-1991, collector, marine zoologist (subsp. Acanthagenys rufogularis, subsp. Barnardius zonarius, subsp. Hylacola pyrrhopygia).
● Theodore 'Ted' Albert Parker III (1953-1993) US field ornithologist with an unparalleled knowledge of Neotropical birds, tragically killed in an air-crash (Cercomacroides, Glaucidium, Herpsilochmus, subsp. Metallura theresiae, subsp. Phainoptila melanoxantha, Phylloscartes, Scytalopus, subsp. Thamnophilus stictocephalus).
● Prof. Thomas Jeffery Parker (1850-1897) English biologist, university administrator, resident in New Zealand 1880-1897 (‡syn. Euryapteryx geranoides, ‡syn. Porphyrio mantelli).

Coppery Metaltail (theresiae)
SCI Name: Metallura theresiae theresiae
● Therese Charlotte Marianne Auguste Prinzessin von Bayern (1850–1925) German zoologist, anthropologist, explorer, daughter of Luitpold Prinzregent von Bayern (syn. Coracias benghalensis affinis).
● Marie Thérèse Baer née Simon (fl. 1901) wife of French natural history dealer and collector Gustave A. Baer (Metallura).
● Teresa Cristina Maria de Bourbon-Sicílias e Bragança (1822-1889) Empress Consort to Pedro II Emperor of Brazil (reigned 1831-1889) (Polytmus).