Flavescent Bulbul

Flavescent Bulbul / Pycnonotus flavescens

Flavescent Bulbul

Here the details of the Flavescent Bulbul named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pycnonotus flavescens
Protonym:  P[ycnonotus]. flavescens J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 14 p.568
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  flabul1
Type Locality:  Arakan Division, Burma; type locality restricted to the hills between Sandoway and Prome, by Kloss, 1923, Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, new ser., 18, p. 569.
Publish Year:  1845
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Cape Bulbul P. capensis) Gr. πυκνος puknos  thick, compact; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back; alluding to the thickly feathered back of the Cape Bulbul and many other bulbuls; "IX. Fam. Myiotheridae.   ...   Pycnonotus Kuhl: Turdus capensis Lin. Vaill. Afr. pl. 105 u. s. w." (Boie 1826); "Pycnonotus "Kuhl" Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, 19, p. 973. Type, by monotypy, Turdus capensis Linnaeus." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 223).  
Var. PychnonotusPicnonotus, Picncnotus.   
Synon. Alcurus, Bonapartia, Bostrycholophus, Brachypus, Centrolophus, Crocopsis, Elathea, Gymnocrotaphus, Haematornis, Hemitarsus, Ixodia, Kelaartia, Loidorusa, Malayornis, Meropixus, Mesolophus, Molpastes, Nok, Oreoctistes, Otocompsa, Pachycephalixus, Phacelias, Rubigula, Sphagias, Squamatornis, Stictognathus, Trachycomus, Xanthixus.

L. flavescens, flavescentis  golden-yellowish  < flavescere  to become golden  < flavere  to be golden-yellow  < flavus  yellow, golden.
● ex “Yellow-crested Woodpecker” of Brown 1776, and Latham 1782 (Celeus).
● ex “Figuier du Sénégal” and “Figuier à ventre jaune du Sénégal” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 582, figs.1, 3, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Citron-bellied Warbler” of Latham 1783 (?syn. Eremomela pusilla).


Flavescent Bulbul (Flavescent)
SCI Name: Pycnonotus flavescens [flavescens Group]
(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Cape Bulbul P. capensis) Gr. πυκνος puknos  thick, compact; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back; alluding to the thickly feathered back of the Cape Bulbul and many other bulbuls; "IX. Fam. Myiotheridae.   ...   Pycnonotus Kuhl: Turdus capensis Lin. Vaill. Afr. pl. 105 u. s. w." (Boie 1826); "Pycnonotus "Kuhl" Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, 19, p. 973. Type, by monotypy, Turdus capensis Linnaeus." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 223).  
Var. PychnonotusPicnonotus, Picncnotus.   
Synon. Alcurus, Bonapartia, Bostrycholophus, Brachypus, Centrolophus, Crocopsis, Elathea, Gymnocrotaphus, Haematornis, Hemitarsus, Ixodia, Kelaartia, Loidorusa, Malayornis, Meropixus, Mesolophus, Molpastes, Nok, Oreoctistes, Otocompsa, Pachycephalixus, Phacelias, Rubigula, Sphagias, Squamatornis, Stictognathus, Trachycomus, Xanthixus.

Flavescent Bulbul (Pale-faced)
SCI Name: Pycnonotus flavescens leucops
Gr. λευκος leukos  white; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face, eye.