Olive-sided Flycatcher

Olive-sided Flycatcher / Contopus cooperi

Olive-sided Flycatcher

Here the details of the Olive-sided Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Contopus cooperi
Protonym:  Muscicapa cooperi Man.Orn.U.S.Can.ed.1(1832) ed.1(1832), 1 p.282
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  olsfly
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1832
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Eastern Wood Pewee C. virens) Gr. κοντος kontos  pole, shaft; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; "70. Contopus virens Cab.  Muscicapa virens Lin. Gm. — Muscicapa rapax Wils. — Tyrannula virens Jard. — Myiarchus virens Cab. — Bombito. "Ist sehr selten auf Cuba" Gundl.    [Diese Art bildet den Typus der Gattung Contopus.  Dieselbe schliesst sich näher als die folgenden Gruppen [Myiarchus] an die Tyrannen an, durch lange spitze Flügel.  Der Schwanz ist ausgerandet und die kurzen Läufe geben ein characteristisches Kennzeichen ab.   Hierher gehören ferner:  C. Cooperi. — Muscicapa Cooperi Nutt.    C. cinereus —  Platyrhynchus cinereus Spix.    C. ardesiacus. — Tyrannula ardosiaca Lafr." (Cabanis 1855); "Contopus (not Contipus MARSEUL, 1853) CABANIS, Journ. Orn., 3, p. 479, 1855— type by orig. desig. Muscicapa virens LINNAEUS." (Hellmayr, 1927, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. V, 190); "Contopus Cabanis, 1855, Journ. f. Ornith., 3, p. 479.  Type, by original designation, Muscicapa virens Linnaeus." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 127).
Var. Contopes, Conchopus.
Synon. Blacicus, Capnixus, Horizopus, Myiochanes, Nuttallornis, Planchesia, Syrichta, Syrichtha.

cooperi / cooperii
● William Cooper (1798-1864) US zoologist, collector, conchologist, founder member of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York (Accipiter, ?syn. Calidris acuminata x C. ferrugineaContopus, subsp. Myiarchus tyrannulus).
● Dr James Graham Cooper (1830-1902) US ornithologist (son of William Cooper), botanist, explorer, collector (syn. Buteo jamaicensis harlani, syn. Melospiza melodia heermanni, subsp. Piranga rubra, syn. Podiceps grisegena holboellii).
● Coopers Camp, Melville I., Northern Territory, Australia (subsp. Gavicalis virescens, syn. Myiagra ruficollis mimikae).
● “I have named this species, at the request of Mr Zeledon, the collector of the type-specimens, after Mr Juan Cooper, of Cartago, Costa Rica, a particular friend of his, to whom he is much indebted for many interesting contributions to his collections” (Ridgway 1878) (Megascops).
● "adult male donated by Major A. L. Cooper, by whom it was collected near Salisbury, S. Rhodesia [= Zimbabwe], early in August, 1947" (Roberts 1947) (syn. Pternistis swainsonii x Pternistis afer) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz).