Blue-headed Sunbird

Blue-headed Sunbird / Cyanomitra alinae

Blue-headed Sunbird

Here the details of the Blue-headed Sunbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cyanomitra alinae
Protonym:  Cyanomitra alinae Bull.Br.Orn.Club 14 p.94
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Nectariniidae /
Taxonomy Code:  buhsun1
Type Locality:  Ruwenzori.
Publish Year:  1904
IUCN Status:  


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Green-headed Sunbird C. verticalis cyanocephala) Gr. κυανος kuanos  dark-blue, greenish-blue; μιτρα mitra  head-band, diadem; "CLXII. Cyanomitra RCHB. Nat. Syst. t. suppl. — Mittelform zwischen Cinnyris und Anthodiaeta; sie hat von jener die langen Flügel, von dieser das Kleid. Die Brustbüschel sind deutlich. — West-Afrika.   678. C. cyanocephala (Certhia — SHAW VIII. 203.) BONAP. 406. 4.  RCHB. t. DLXXIII. 3905—6.   ...   *679. C. pusilla SWAINS. West.-Afr. 138. RCHB. t. DCXV. = DLXIII.b. 4104.   ...   *680. C. affinis RÜPPEL Abyss. 87. t. 31. f. 1.  RCHB. t. DLXXIII. 3907." (Reichenbach 1853); "Cyanomitra Reichenbach, 1854 [= 1853], Handb. spec. Orn., Icon. Synops. Avium, Scansoriae, p. 291. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 137), Certhia cyanocephala Shaw." (Rand in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 223).
Synon. Adelinus, Elaeocerthia, Haagneria, Leucochloridia.

● Lady Aline Louise Jackson née Cooper (d. 1966) wife of English ornithologist and colonial administrator Sir Frederick Jackson (Cyanomitra).
● Subsequent spelling by author of specific name Ornismyia aline Bourcier, 1843 (syn. Eriocnemis aline).


Blue-headed Sunbird (marungensis)
SCI Name: Cyanomitra alinae marungensis
marungensis / marunguensis
Marungu Highlands, Belgian Congo / DR Congo.

Blue-headed Sunbird (alinae)
SCI Name: Cyanomitra alinae alinae
● Lady Aline Louise Jackson née Cooper (d. 1966) wife of English ornithologist and colonial administrator Sir Frederick Jackson (Cyanomitra).
● Subsequent spelling by author of specific name Ornismyia aline Bourcier, 1843 (syn. Eriocnemis aline).

Blue-headed Sunbird (tanganjicae)
SCI Name: Cyanomitra alinae tanganjicae
tanganicae / tanganjicae / tanganyicae / tanganyika / tanganyikae
Lake Tanganyika, east Africa.

Blue-headed Sunbird (derooi)
SCI Name: Cyanomitra alinae derooi
Dr Antoon Emeric Marcel De Roo (1936-1971) Belgian zoologist (subsp. Cyanomitra alinae).

Blue-headed Sunbird (kaboboensis)
SCI Name: Cyanomitra alinae kaboboensis
Mt. Kabobo, north of Albertville, Belgian Congo / Mt. Misotshi-Kabogo, DR Congo.