Golden-breasted Fulvetta

Golden-breasted Fulvetta / Lioparus chrysotis

Golden-breasted Fulvetta

Here the details of the Golden-breasted Fulvetta named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lioparus chrysotis
Protonym:  Pr[oparus]. chrysotis J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 13(1844) p.938
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Sylviidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gobful1
Type Locality:  no locality = Nepal, ex Hodgson.
Publish Year:  1845
IUCN Status:  


(Sylviidae; Ϯ Golden-breasted Fulvetta L. chrysotis) Gr. λειος leios  smooth; genus Parus Linnaeus, 17658, tit; "m". Nostrils overhung by hairs.  ...  l"'. Bill broad; rictal bristles long; hind claw moderate, shorter than hind toe. . . . .LIOPARUS, p. 174.  ...   Genus LIOPARUS, n. gen.  I propose the name of Lioparus for the last of the four genera of Tit-like Timeliinæ, with L. chrysæus as the type, a bird which has been placed in the genus Proparus by most authors.  Lioparus differs from Schœniparus and Sittiparus by having numerous hairs overhanging the nostrils, and from Proparus by its long rictal bristles which reach nearly to the tip of the bill, by its broader bill, and by its much smaller hind claw, which measures much less than the hind toe.  The plumage of this bird is remarkably sleek and soft.   184. Lioparus chrysæusThe Golden-breasted Tit-Babbler.   Proparus? chrysæus, Hodgs. in Gray's Zool. Misc. p. 84 (1844).  Proparus chrysotis (Hodgs.), Blyth, J.A.S.B. xiii, p. 938 (1844).   ...   Prong-samyer-pho, Lepch." (Oates 1889); "Lioparus Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, pp. 131 (in key), 174. Type, by original designation, Lioparus chrysaeus Oates = Proparus chrysotis Blyth." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 397).

● Gr. χρυσωτης khrusōtēs  gilder  < χρυσος khrusos gold; -οτης -otēs  resembling (Lioparus).
● Gr. χρυσος khrusos  gold; -ωτις -ōtis  -eared  < ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear (syn. Meliphaga lewinii, Tangara).
● See: chrysonotis

(Psittacidae; syn. Amazona Orange-winged Parrot A. amazonica) Gr. χρυσος khrusos  gold;
-ωτις -ōtis  -eared  < ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear; "CHRYSOTIS*, Sw.  Amazonian Parrots.  Face plumed.  Wings rather short; the first and second quills graduated, and shorter than the third and fourth, which are the longest; all these have the inner web sinuated in the middle: tertials very long.  Tail short, longer than the wings, broad, with the tips rounded.  America only. (fig. 271.)   Amazonicus. LeVail. pl. 84.   Dufresnii. Ib. 91.   pulverulentus. Ib. 92.   ochropterus. Ib. 98.   xanthocephalus. Ib. 98. bis.   sordidus. Ib. 104.   signatus. Ib. 105.   cyanotis. Ib. 106.   leucocephalus. Ib. 107.   æstivus. LeVail. pl. 110.   autumnalis. Ib. 111.   Havanensis. Ib. 122.   festivus. Ib. 129.   cyanocephalus. Ib. 135.   columbinus. Spix, i. 37.   Xanthops. Ib. i. 26.   menstruus. Ib. 114. (aberrant.)   And several new species.  ... * In allusion to the yellow colour on the ears or face of nearly all the species." (Swainson 1837); "Chrysotis Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 300.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 52), C. amazonicus, i.e. Psittacus amazonicus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).


Golden-breasted Fulvetta (chrysotis)
SCI Name: Lioparus chrysotis chrysotis
● Gr. χρυσωτης khrusōtēs  gilder  < χρυσος khrusos gold; -οτης -otēs  resembling (Lioparus).
● Gr. χρυσος khrusos  gold; -ωτις -ōtis  -eared  < ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear (syn. Meliphaga lewinii, Tangara).
● See: chrysonotis

Golden-breasted Fulvetta (albilineatus)
SCI Name: Lioparus chrysotis albilineatus
albilineata / albilineatus
L. albus  white; lineatus  lined  < linea  line  < linum  thread  < Gr. λινον linon  flax, linen.

Golden-breasted Fulvetta (forresti)
SCI Name: Lioparus chrysotis forresti
forresti / forrestia
● George Forrest (1873-1932) Scottish botanist, explorer, collector in the Himalayas, Tibet and south-western China (subsp. Dryocopus javensis, subsp. Hypothymis azurea, subsp. Lioparus chrysotis, Phylloscopus, subsp. Pomatorhinus superciliaris, syn. Streptopelia tigrina, syn. Trochalopteron chrysopterum woodi).
● Sir John Forrest 1st Baron Forrest of Bunbury (1847-1918) Australian politician, explorer, first Premier of Western Australia 1890-1901 (subsp. Gavicalis virescens).
● Forrest River, Western Australia (subsp. Mirafra javanica).

Golden-breasted Fulvetta (amoenus)
SCI Name: Lioparus chrysotis amoenus
L. amoenus  delightful, pleasant, attractive  < amare  to love passionately.

Golden-breasted Fulvetta (robsoni)
SCI Name: Lioparus chrysotis robsoni
Craig R. Robson (b. 1959) British ornithologist (subsp. Lioparus chrysotis).

Golden-breasted Fulvetta (swinhoii)
SCI Name: Lioparus chrysotis swinhoii
swinhoei / swinhoii
Robert Swinhoe (1836-1877) British diplomat in China, Vice-Consul in Taiwan 1860-1866, linguist, collector, naturalist (syn. Aegithalos caudatus glaucogularis, syn. Bubo bubo kiautschensis, syn. Chlidonias hybrida, syn. Cuculus micropterus, subsp. Cyanopica cyanus, Erythrogenys, subsp. Lioparus chrysotis, subsp. Lonchura striata, Lophura, syn. Merops leschenaultii, syn. Oriolus chinensis diffusus, subsp. Picoides canicapillus, syn. Platalea minor, subsp. Stachyris strialata).