Sulawesi Thrush

Sulawesi Thrush / Cataponera turdoides

Sulawesi Thrush

Here the details of the Sulawesi Thrush named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cataponera turdoides
Protonym:  Cataponera turdoides Novit.Zool. 3 p.70
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Turdidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sulthr1
Type Locality:  Bonthain Peak.
Publish Year:  1896
IUCN Status:  


(Turdidae; Ϯ Sulawesi Thrush C. turdoides) Gr. καταπονεω kataponeō  to subdue  < κατα kata  in relation to; πονεω poneō  to suffer; “3. Cataponera turdoides gen. et sp. nov.   Genus ex affinitate generum "Garrulax," "Rhinocichla," et "Allocotops" dictorum, sed cauda fere aequali distinguenda.  Ala rotundata, remige primo dimidio secundi, sexto longissimo.  Digitus medius paullum tarso brevior.  Tarsus lamina perpetua vestitus, imo parte paucis tantum scutellis.  Naribus oblongis, plumis usque ad nares attingentibus.  Spatium postoculare calvum.  Rictus et mentum setis ornatis.   Typus est:— Cataponera turdoides.   ...   Several specimens from Bonthain Peak, 6000 feet and above.  Altogether of a much Thrush-like appearance. The tail is nearly square, the outer tail-feathers only about 9 mm. shorter than the central pair. The feathers of the forehead reach in two angles towards the nostrils, which are large, oblong, and but partly covered by a membrane. The gape and the feathers of the chin have short bristles.  The generic name is given in reference to the difficulty and hardships concerned with the shooting of these birds in the great altitudes they inhabit.” (Hartert 1896); "Cataponera Hartert, 1896, Novit. Zool., 3, p. 70.  Type, by [original designation and] monotypy, Cataponera turdoides Hartert." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 161).

(Leiothrichidae; Ϯ White-headed Babbler T. leucocephala) Genus Turdus Linnaeus, 1758, thrush; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Turdoides leucocephala, (Mus. Francof.)  Weißköpfiger Droßling.   ...   Die Droßlinge (Turdoides) bilden eine von den Droßeln (Turdus) wohl zu unterscheidende Familie, die eine Menge von Arten zählt, von denen Rüppel bereits vier aus dem nördlichen Afrika eingesendet hat. Wir werden die Abbildungen und Beschreibungen von dreyen derselben in dem Atlas liefern. Auch erwarten wir duie Bekanntmachung anderer in Indien entdeckten Arten der Gattung Turdoides von Herrn Temminck, der solche zuerst aufgestellt hat." (Cretzschmar 1827); "Turdoides Cretzschmar, 1827, in Rüppell's Atlas, Vög., hft. 4, p. 6, pl. 4. Type, by monotypy, Turdoides leucocephalus Cretzschmar." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 331).
Var. Tordoides.
Synon. Aethocichla, Aipunemia, Crateropus, Cratopus, Ischyropodus, Layardia, Malacocircus, Malcolmia, Pengia.

L. turdus  thrush; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling.
● “Both Seebohm and Saunders have used Meyer’s name Sylvia turdoides, 1815, for the Great Reed-Warbler, because, according to the first named, Linnaeus in placing the species under the genus Turdus made the definition quite misleading. Turdus arundinaceus of Linnaeus was, however, founded on Klein’s Turdus musicus palustris, which undoubtedly refers to the Great Reed-Warbler, and there can be no objection to the name, which is the oldest and has always been more or less in use” (BOU 1915) (syn. Acrocephalus arundinaceus).
● “Altogether of a much Thrush-like appearance” (Hartert 1896) (Cataponera).
● "14.  COLLURICINCLE GRIVELÉ.  —  COLLURICINCLA TURDOIDES.  ...  Ce Colluricincle est originaire de Raffles-Bay.  Il appartient à la section des espèces de ce genre qui est caractérisée par un bec plus large et moins comprimée.  Ses couleurs et sa petite taille le rapprochent du Colluricincla brunnea Gould; il s'en isole par la coloration à peu près uniforme de la région thoraco-abdominale." (Pucheran 1853) (syn. Colluricincla parvula).


Sulawesi Thrush (abditiva)
SCI Name: Cataponera turdoides abditiva
abditiva / abditivus
L. abditivus  removed, separated  < abdere  to remove.
● "Cataponera abditiva, sp. nov.  ...  This species is so very different from the description and plate of Cataponera turdoides Hartert given in Meyer and Wiglesworth [Birds Celebes, 2, 1898, 503, pl. 29] that it scarcely needs comparison.  Hartert's species come from the south while the present comes from the central mountainous part of the island.  Only the type was secured." (Riley 1918) (subsp. Cataponera turdoides).
● "Manacus manacus abditivus 1 subsp. nov.  ...  The gray, instead of white, breast and belly of M. m. abditivus, and its slightly larger size and shorter tail, separate it from M. m. manacus.  The darker examples of M. m. abditivus bear a close resemblance in color to the paler examples of M. m. gutturosus, although there is a considerable average difference in color between the two.  M. m. gutturosus is, however, decidedly smaller, and has a longer tail.   ...   1 Abditivus—separated from." (Bangs 1899) (subsp. Manacus manacus).

Sulawesi Thrush (tenebrosa)
SCI Name: Cataponera turdoides tenebrosa
tenebrosa / tenebrosus
L. tenebrosus  dark, gloomy  < tenebrae  darkness.
● ex “Petit Coucou noir de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 505 (Chelidoptera).

Sulawesi Thrush (turdoides)
SCI Name: Cataponera turdoides turdoides
(Leiothrichidae; Ϯ White-headed Babbler T. leucocephala) Genus Turdus Linnaeus, 1758, thrush; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Turdoides leucocephala, (Mus. Francof.)  Weißköpfiger Droßling.   ...   Die Droßlinge (Turdoides) bilden eine von den Droßeln (Turdus) wohl zu unterscheidende Familie, die eine Menge von Arten zählt, von denen Rüppel bereits vier aus dem nördlichen Afrika eingesendet hat. Wir werden die Abbildungen und Beschreibungen von dreyen derselben in dem Atlas liefern. Auch erwarten wir duie Bekanntmachung anderer in Indien entdeckten Arten der Gattung Turdoides von Herrn Temminck, der solche zuerst aufgestellt hat." (Cretzschmar 1827); "Turdoides Cretzschmar, 1827, in Rüppell's Atlas, Vög., hft. 4, p. 6, pl. 4. Type, by monotypy, Turdoides leucocephalus Cretzschmar." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 331).
Var. Tordoides.
Synon. Aethocichla, Aipunemia, Crateropus, Cratopus, Ischyropodus, Layardia, Malacocircus, Malcolmia, Pengia.

Sulawesi Thrush (heinrichi)
SCI Name: Cataponera turdoides heinrichi
Gerhardt 'Gerd' Hermann Heinrich (1896-1984) German/Polish field entomologist, zoologist, collector in Poland, the Balkans, East Indies, Burma, Iran, tropical Africa, Mexico, and North America (subsp. Aerodramus vanikorensis, syn. Cacomantis aeruginosus, subsp. Cataponera turdoides, subsp. Chloris spinoides, Cossypha, syn. Dryobates minor buturlini, syn. Falco peregrinus ernesti, Geomalia, subsp. Heleia squamiceps, subsp. Prinia bairdii, subsp. Scolopax celebensis, syn. Sturnus vulgaris caucasicus, subsp. Zosterops senegalensis).