Dark-breasted Rosefinch

Dark-breasted Rosefinch / Procarduelis nipalensis

Dark-breasted Rosefinch

Here the details of the Dark-breasted Rosefinch named bird below:

SCI Name:  Procarduelis nipalensis
Protonym:  Carduelis nipalensis As.Res. 19 p.157
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  dabros1
Type Locality:  central and northern Nepal.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Dark-breasted Rosefinch P. nipalensis) Gr. προ pro before, close to; genus Carduelis Brisson 1760, goldfinch; "The present form is indeed an Erythrospiza with a slender Carduelis bill, and exhibiting a marked affinity for the Redpole Linnets" (Blyth 1844); "Returning now, after so long a digression, to the catalogue of Darjeeling birds, I have to rectify, at  Page 192, Linota saturata, Nobis. This is identical with Mr. Hodgson's Carduelis Nipalensis, As. Res. XIX, 157, but now typifying his division Procarduelis." (Blyth 1843); "Procarduelis Blyth (ex Hodgson MS), 1843, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 12, p. 985. Type, by monotypy, Carduelis nipalensis Hodgson." (Paynter in Peters 1968, XIV, 267).
Synon. Pyrrha.

nipalense / nipalensis
Nepal or, formerly, Nipal or Nepaul. According to legend Nepal means "the place protected by the Hindu sage Ne."


Dark-breasted Rosefinch (kangrae)
SCI Name: Procarduelis nipalensis kangrae
Kangra District, northern Punjab (= Himachal Pradesh), India.

Dark-breasted Rosefinch (nipalensis)
SCI Name: Procarduelis nipalensis nipalensis
nipalense / nipalensis
Nepal or, formerly, Nipal or Nepaul. According to legend Nepal means "the place protected by the Hindu sage Ne."

Dark-breasted Rosefinch (intensicolor)
SCI Name: Procarduelis nipalensis intensicolor
L. intensus  intense  < intendere  to strain; color, coloris  colour.