Egyptian Vulture

Egyptian Vulture / Neophron percnopterus

Egyptian Vulture

Here the details of the Egyptian Vulture named bird below:

SCI Name:  Neophron percnopterus
Protonym:  Vultur Percnopterus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.87
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  egyvul1
Type Locality:  Egypt.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Egyptian Vulture N. percnopterus) Gr. myth. Neophron, jealous son of Timandre, a lover of Aegypius.  Neophron, in turn, seduced the latter's mother, Bulis, and then tricked Aegypius into sleeping with her!  Neophron and Aegypius were metamorphosed into vultures; Bulis into a heron, and Timandre into a hawk or small bird; "3. NEOPHRON.  Bec délié; cire molle, inclinée, très-avancée; narines longitudinales: langue mutique: quatorze rectrices.  ...  GENRE III, NEOPHRON.  ...  ESPÈCE.  3. NEOPHRON Percnopterus.  Le Percnoptère." (de Savigny 1809); "Neophron Savigny, Descr. Égypte, Ois., 1, 1809, p. 68, 75 and 76. Type, by monotypy, Vultur percnopterus Linné." (Peters 1931, 1, 263).
Var. Nophron.
Synon. Abernius, Percnopterus.

● L. percnopterus  vulture  < Gr. περκνοπτερος perknopteros  vulture  < περκνος perknos  dusky; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing; "40. VULTUR.  ...  Perenopterus.  6. V. remigibus nigris margine exteriore (præter extimas) canis.  Perenopterus s. Gypaëtos. Aldr. orn. t. 2. c. 10. Raj. av. 8.  Falco montanus ægyptiacus. Hasselqv. act. Stockh. 1751. p. 196.  Vultur, Percnopterus, capite nudo, gula plumosa. Hasselq. itin. 209.  Vultur  niger. Raj. av. 9.  Vultur bæticus. Raj. av. 10.  Vultur albus. Raj. av. 10.  Vultur aquilina. Aldr. orn. Alb. av. 2. p. 3. t. 3.  Vultur fulvus, bætico bellonii congener. Raj. av. 10. Habitat in Ægypto.  Mas totus albus: Remigibus atris margine exteriore canis, exceptis duabus primis unicoloribus: Femina tota fusca: Remigibus quatuor extimis concoloribus. Rostrum atrum cera flava. Hasselqv. Nares perpetuo stillant. RajPurgat Cairi terram a cadaverum fœtore, stipendiis allectus. Hasselq." (Linnaeus 1758); “The specific name of the Egyptian Vulture was spelt perenopterus, not percnopterus, by Linnaeus. This is obviously a misprint, as he quotes from Aldrovandus and Ray, both of whom spelled the word percnopterus” (BOU 1915). This epithet is the sixth name and fourth autochthonym in avian nomenclature (Neophron).
● Gr. περκνος perknos  dark; -πτερος -pteros  -winged (syn. Gyps fulvus, syn. Xenoctistes rufosuperciliatus).

Gr. περκνοπτερος perknopteros  vulture  < περκνος perknos  dusky;  -πτερος -pteros  -winged   < πτερον pteron  wing.
• (Cathartidae;  syn. Cathartes † Turkey Vulture C. aura) "GENUS IV. —  PERCNOPTERUS Antiquorum.  ...  THESE are smaller and fiercer birds, and are more filthy in their habits than those of the two preceding genera; they prey upon the foulest carrion, not disdaining even excrementitious matter, thereby being of infinite service in clearing the surface of the ground from those noxious substances.   Sp. 1.  Pe. Ægyptiacus.  Vultur Percnopterus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 33. — Vultur ginginianus Shaw, v. vii. p. 32.   ...   Sp. 2.  Pe. Aura.  Vultur Aura. Shaw, v. viii. p. 36.   ...   Sp. 3.  Pe. Uruba.  ...  Vultur Uruba. Vieil. Ois. d'Amer. Sept. pt. 2. — Vultur atratus. — Turkey Buzzard. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ix. p. 104. pl. lxxv. f. 2.   ...   Sp. 4.  Pe. Monachus.  ...  Cathartes monachus. Temm. Pl. Col. 222." (Stephens 1826); "Percnopterus Stephens, 1826, General Zoology, XIII (2), p. 6.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 1), C. aura, i.e. Vultur aura Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).  
• (Accipitridae; syn. Neophron Egyptian Vulture N. percnopterus ) "Nasal orifices placed longitudinally.   28. SARCORAMPHUS.  Condor.  Neck bare of feathers.  Cere carunculated.   29. PERCNOPTERUS.  Neck covered with feathers" (Fleming, 1822, Philosophy of Zoology, II, p. 233 (nom. nud.)); "Genre NÉOPHRON, Percnopterus.  ...  1. NÉOPHRON PERCNOPTÈRE, Neophron percnopterus.  ...   Comme les précédens. il cherche sans cesse les charognes les plus puantes, et exhale lui-même une odeur infecte; et dès qu'il est mort, il se putréfie." (Vieillot 1822); "Percnopterus Vieillot, 1822, Faune Française, Oiseaux, livr. 5 & 6, p. 3.  Type, by monotypy, Vultur percnopterus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Perenopterus, Perinopterus.


Egyptian Vulture (percnopterus)
SCI Name: Neophron percnopterus percnopterus
● L. percnopterus  vulture  < Gr. περκνοπτερος perknopteros  vulture  < περκνος perknos  dusky; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing; "40. VULTUR.  ...  Perenopterus.  6. V. remigibus nigris margine exteriore (præter extimas) canis.  Perenopterus s. Gypaëtos. Aldr. orn. t. 2. c. 10. Raj. av. 8.  Falco montanus ægyptiacus. Hasselqv. act. Stockh. 1751. p. 196.  Vultur, Percnopterus, capite nudo, gula plumosa. Hasselq. itin. 209.  Vultur  niger. Raj. av. 9.  Vultur bæticus. Raj. av. 10.  Vultur albus. Raj. av. 10.  Vultur aquilina. Aldr. orn. Alb. av. 2. p. 3. t. 3.  Vultur fulvus, bætico bellonii congener. Raj. av. 10. Habitat in Ægypto.  Mas totus albus: Remigibus atris margine exteriore canis, exceptis duabus primis unicoloribus: Femina tota fusca: Remigibus quatuor extimis concoloribus. Rostrum atrum cera flava. Hasselqv. Nares perpetuo stillant. RajPurgat Cairi terram a cadaverum fœtore, stipendiis allectus. Hasselq." (Linnaeus 1758); “The specific name of the Egyptian Vulture was spelt perenopterus, not percnopterus, by Linnaeus. This is obviously a misprint, as he quotes from Aldrovandus and Ray, both of whom spelled the word percnopterus” (BOU 1915). This epithet is the sixth name and fourth autochthonym in avian nomenclature (Neophron).
● Gr. περκνος perknos  dark; -πτερος -pteros  -winged (syn. Gyps fulvus, syn. Xenoctistes rufosuperciliatus).

Egyptian Vulture (majorensis)
SCI Name: Neophron percnopterus majorensis
“The name of the proposed new subspecies is derived from “Majorata,” the ancient name of Fuerteventura  ...  It was so called by the Spanish conquerors, since the main native guanche tribe of the island was known as the “Majos”” (Donázar et al. 2002) (subsp. Neophron percnopterus).

Egyptian Vulture (ginginianus)
SCI Name: Neophron percnopterus ginginianus
gingensis / gingica / gingicus / ginginianus
Gingi, Coromandel Coast / Gingee, Tamil Nadu, India.
● ex “Petit martin de Gingi” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Gingi Thrush” of Latham 1787 (Acridotheres).
● Erroneous TL. Gingi (= Fokien, southeastern China); ex “Perdrix de Gingi” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Gingi Partridge” of Latham 1783 (Arborophila).
● ex “Gingi Lark” of Latham 1783 (syn. Eremopterix grisea).
● ex “Vautour de Gingi” of Sonnerat 1782 (subsp. Neophron percnopterus).
● ex “Calao de Gingi” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Gingi Hornbill” of Latham 1787 (syn. Ocyceros birostris).