Forest Elaenia

Forest Elaenia / Myiopagis gaimardii

Forest Elaenia

Here the details of the Forest Elaenia named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myiopagis gaimardii
Protonym:  Muscicapara Gaimardii Voy.Am.merid. 4 livr.3 p.326
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  forela1
Type Locality:  Yuracares, Bolivia.
Publish Year:  1840
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Greenish Elaenia M. viridicata placens) Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly; παγις pagis  trap, snare  < παγη pagē  trap; "MYIOPAGIS, gen. nov.  (Type Elainea placens, Scl.)  The form of the nostril of Elainea placens and its allies makes it necessary to separate this section of Elainea and place it under a distinct generic name; and though the outlines of the bill of Myiopagis are similar to those of E. pagana, we think that it is best placed near Leptopogon, which has somewhat similar nostrils, but a higher, more compressed bill.  The species we think ought to be removed from Elainea and placed under the new genus are:—E. placens, E. subplacens, E. cotta, E. gaimardi, E. flavivertex, E. caniceps, and perhaps E. ruficeps.  ...  The bill is moderately long, the sides nearly straight, converging gradually from the gape, the width of which is about half the length of the tomia; the nostrils are open, oval, and placed at the end of the nasal fossa, a membrane bordering them along the upper and hinder edges; the rictal bristles are moderately developed, hardly so much so as in Elainea; the tarsi are moderately stout and covered with distinct scutellæ; the outer toe is a little less than the inner toe; the 3rd and 4th quills are the longest in the wing; 5th>2nd, 1st=8th; the tail is long and scarcely emarginate, nearly=wing, wing nearly=4 tarsus." (Salvin & Godman 1888).
Synon. Elainopsis.

gaimardi / gaimardii
Joseph Paul Gaimard (1793-1858) French surgeon-naturalist, explorer (Myiopagis, Phalacrocorax, syn. Stagonopleura oculata, syn. Streptopelia bitorquata dusumieri, syn. Terpsiphone mutata).


Forest Elaenia (macilvainii)
SCI Name: Myiopagis gaimardii macilvainii
John H. McIlvain (fl. 1883) US entomologist, ornithologist (subsp. Myiopagis gaimardii).

Forest Elaenia (trinitatis)
SCI Name: Myiopagis gaimardii trinitatis
Late L. Trinitas  the Holy Trinity  < L. trini  three together  < tres  three.
● Trinidad (Spanish Isla de la Trinidad  Island of the Holy Trinity) (syn. Coereba flaveola luteola, subsp. Colaptes rubiginosus, syn. Cyanerpes caeruleus longirostris, syn. Cyclarhis gujanensis flavipectus, Euphonia, subsp. Icterus nigrogularis, subsp. Manacus manacus, subsp. Myiopagis gaimardii, subsp. Pitangus sulphuratus, subsp. Pulsatrix perspicillata, subsp. Ramphocaenus melanurus, subsp. Sakesphorus canadensis, subsp. Synallaxis albescens, subsp. Tangara guttata, subsp. Zentrygon linearis).
● La Trinidad, Benguet, northern Luzon, Philippines (syn. Ficedula hyperythra luzoniensis).
● South Trinidade I. (= Trindade), Brazil, South Atlantic Ocean (subsp. Fregata ariel, syn. Pterodroma arminjoniana).
● El Valle de la Trinidad, Baja California, Mexico (subsp. Toxostoma crissale).

Forest Elaenia (bogotensis)
SCI Name: Myiopagis gaimardii bogotensis
bogotense / bogotensis
Bogotá (formerly Santa Fé de Bogotá), Colombia. In early ornithology “Bogotá” was used to designate a species of unknown provenance but, from the distinctive way in which the trade-skin had been prepared, presumed to be from the Spanish Main (= Spanish-held Mainland), the hinterland of north-western tropical America.

Forest Elaenia (guianensis)
SCI Name: Myiopagis gaimardii guianensis
guianae / guianarum / guianensis
Guiana; the original European colonies comprised Essequibo and Demerara (= British Guiana), Berbice and Surinam (= Dutch Guiana), and Cayenne (= French Guiana). In early ornithology “Guiana” and “Cayenne” were often used of species of uncertain provenance presumed to be from Amazonia.
● ex “Troupiale de la Guiane” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Leistes militaris); ex “Petit Aigle de la Guiane” of Mauduyt de la Varenne 1784 (Morphnus); ex “Long-tailed Green Parrakeet, var. A, Guiane Green Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacara euops).
● Erroneous TL Guiana (= Luzon = India); ex “Perruche à collier de l’isle de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Psittacula eupatria).

Forest Elaenia (gaimardii)
SCI Name: Myiopagis gaimardii gaimardii
gaimardi / gaimardii
Joseph Paul Gaimard (1793-1858) French surgeon-naturalist, explorer (Myiopagis, Phalacrocorax, syn. Stagonopleura oculata, syn. Streptopelia bitorquata dusumieri, syn. Terpsiphone mutata).