Pale-fronted Nigrita

Pale-fronted Nigrita / Nigrita luteifrons

Pale-fronted Nigrita

Here the details of the Pale-fronted Nigrita named bird below:

SCI Name:  Nigrita luteifrons
Protonym:  Nigrita luteifrons Rev.Mag.Zool.(2), 3 p.420
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Estrildidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pafneg1
Type Locality:  Gabon.
Publish Year:  1851
IUCN Status:  


(Estrildidae; Ϯ Grey-headed Nigrita N. canicapillus) Mod. L. nigritus  black  < L. nigritia  black colour, blackness  < niger  black; "NIGRITA FUSCONOTUS.  ...  Mr. Fraser stated it as his opinion that the bird above described belonged to the Fringillidæ.  It certainly appertains to the genus characterized by Mr. Strickland in the 'Proceedings' for April 1841, p. 30, under the title Æthiops. This genus was founded upon a bird (Æthiops canicapillus) also from Fernando Po, specimens of which Mr. Fraser had obtained and exhibited to the Meeting.  Finding the generic name Æthiops had been previously used for a genus of Monkeys, Mr. Fraser had been requested by Mr. Strickland to substitute for it the new generic title Nigrita. The species described by the gentleman last mentioned will therefore stand as Nigrita canicapillus, Strickl." (Strickland in Fraser 1843); "Nigrita Strickland, in Fraser, 1843, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1842, p. 145. New name for Aethiops Strickland, 1841 (Oct.), preoccupied by Aethiops Martin, 1841 (before Oct.). Type, by monotypy, Aethiops canicapillus Strickland." (Traylor in Peters 1968, XIV, 308-309) (see Aethiops).
Synon. Aethiops, Atopornis, Percnopis.

Mod. L. nigritus  black  < L. nigritia  black colour, blackness  < niger  black.

L. luteus  saffron-yellow  < lutum  saffron; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.


Pale-fronted Nigrita (luteifrons)
SCI Name: Nigrita luteifrons luteifrons
L. luteus  saffron-yellow  < lutum  saffron; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.

Pale-fronted Nigrita (alexanderi)
SCI Name: Nigrita luteifrons alexanderi
● Alexander William Milligan (1858-1921) Australian ornithologist, founder member of the RAOU (syn. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa normantoni, syn. Anas castanea, syn. Chenonetta jubata, syn. Pachyptila desolata, syn. Thalassarche chrysostoma).
● Capt. Boyd Francis Alexander (1873-1910) British explorer, collector, ornithologist (subsp. Amadina fasciata, subsp. Eremomela icteropygialis, Falco, subsp. Galerida cristata, syn. Indicator minor senegalensis, subsp. Nigrita luteifrons).
● William Backhouse Alexander (1885-1965) British ornithologist (syn. Diomedea dabbenena).
● Horace Gundry Alexander (1889-1989) British ornithologist, pioneer field observer (subsp. Horornis flavolivaceus).