Yellow-billed Barbet

Yellow-billed Barbet / Trachyphonus purpuratus

Yellow-billed Barbet

Here the details of the Yellow-billed Barbet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Trachyphonus purpuratus
Protonym:  Trachyphonus lurpuratus Rev.Mag.Zool. (2), 3 p.260
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Lybiidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yebbar1
Type Locality:  Gaboon.
Publish Year:  1851
IUCN Status:  


(Lybiidae; Ϯ Crested Barbet T. vaillantii) Gr. τραχυφωνος trakhuphōnos  harsh-voiced  < τραχυς trakhus  rough; φωνη phōnē  sound, cry  < φωνεω phōneō  to call (cf. φωνος phōnos  loud-voiced); "Trachifono, Trachyphonus (1)   ...   (1) Da τραχυφωνος — che ha voce aspra.   ...   Sp. unica: Trachifono di Vaillant, Trachyphonus Vaillantii.  Le Promépic franc.   ...   Il grido è cral, cral, cral." (Ranzani 1821); "Trachyphonus Ranzani, Elem. di Zool., 3, 1821, pt. 2, p. 157. Type, by monotypy, Trachyphonus vaillantii Ranzani." (Peters 1948, VI, 60).
Synon. CapitonidesCucupicus, Micropogon, Murututtu, Polysticte, Promepicus, Tamatia.

purpurata / purpuratus
L. purpuratus  clad in purple  < purpura  purple  < Gr. πορφυρα porphura  purple.
● ex “Ardea purpurascens” of Brisson 1760, “Héron pourpre” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Purple Heron” of Latham 1785 (syn. Ardea purpurea).
● ex “Purple-crowned Pigeon” of Latham 1783 (Ptilinopus).
● ex “Gobe-mouche noir à gorge pourpre de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 381 (Querula).
● ex “Purple-tailed Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (Touit).
● ex “Purple-crowned Honey-sucker” of Pennant 1773, and “Purple-crowned Humming-bird” of Latham 1782 (unident.).


Yellow-billed Barbet (Western)
SCI Name: Trachyphonus purpuratus goffinii
goffini / goffiniana / goffinii
Lt. Andreas Leopold August Goffin (?1837-1863) Dutch Army, ornithologist (Cacatua, syn. Cacatua ducorpsiiTrachylaemus).

Yellow-billed Barbet (Togo)
SCI Name: Trachyphonus purpuratus togoensis
Togoland Protectorate / Togo.

Yellow-billed Barbet (Eastern)
SCI Name: Trachyphonus purpuratus purpuratus/elgonensis
(Lybiidae; Ϯ Crested Barbet T. vaillantii) Gr. τραχυφωνος trakhuphōnos  harsh-voiced  < τραχυς trakhus  rough; φωνη phōnē  sound, cry  < φωνεω phōneō  to call (cf. φωνος phōnos  loud-voiced); "Trachifono, Trachyphonus (1)   ...   (1) Da τραχυφωνος — che ha voce aspra.   ...   Sp. unica: Trachifono di Vaillant, Trachyphonus Vaillantii.  Le Promépic franc.   ...   Il grido è cral, cral, cral." (Ranzani 1821); "Trachyphonus Ranzani, Elem. di Zool., 3, 1821, pt. 2, p. 157. Type, by monotypy, Trachyphonus vaillantii Ranzani." (Peters 1948, VI, 60).
Synon. CapitonidesCucupicus, Micropogon, Murututtu, Polysticte, Promepicus, Tamatia.