Streaked Bowerbird

Streaked Bowerbird / Amblyornis subalaris

Streaked Bowerbird

Here the details of the Streaked Bowerbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Amblyornis subalaris
Protonym:  Amblyornis subalaris J.Linn.Soc.LondonZool. 17 p.408
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Ptilonorhynchidae /
Taxonomy Code:  strbow1
Type Locality:  Astrolabe Mountains, British New Guinea.
Publish Year:  1884
IUCN Status:  


(Ptilonorhynchidae; Ϯ Vogelkop Bowerbird A. inornata) Gr. αμβλυοεις ambluoeis  dull  <  αμβλυς amblus  dull  < αμβλυνω amblunō  to blunt; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "The other species to which I referred above as having been described by Prof. Schlegel in the same paper, was placed by him in the genus Ptilonorhynchus, and named P. inornatus. It, however, differs greatly from the P. violaceus (holosericeus auct.), the only species now representing that genus, in wanting the feathers projecting over the bill and hiding the nostril (one of the principal characters of Ptilonorhynchus), and also in having a very different structure of feather. The sexes, according to Von Rosenberg, are the same in the colour of their plumage, while those of P. violaceus are widely different. I have therefore regarded it as representing a new generic form, which I propose to call AMBLYORNIS,  with the following characters — Bill short, thick, culmen much curved, gonys nearly straight; nostrils partly hidden by the feathers of the forehead, which are soft and flexible. A few short bristles project forwards over the culmen and nostrils, which last are round, open, and partly exposed. Wings moderate, fourth primary longest. Tail very slightly rounded, composed of ten feathers. Toes slender, middle one nearly as long as the tarsus, outer longer than the inner one.  The only species known is  AMBLYORNIS INORNATA.  Ptilonorhynchus inornatus, Schleg., Tijdsch. v. d. Dierk. pt. v. p. 51 (1871)." (Elliot 1872); "Ambylornis Elliot, Ibis, 1872, p. 113.  Type (by monotypy): Ptilorhynchus [sic] inornatus Schl." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 886).
Var. Ambliornis.
Synon. Xanthochlamys.

L. subalaris  under the arms  < sub  underneath; ala  armpit, wing (cf. Late L. subalaris  under the wings, under-wing).
● “allied to B[radornis]. pallidus Müll., but is smaller, darker, and above all distinguished by its dark fawn-coloured under wing-coverts” (Sharpe 1874) (subsp. Agricola pallidus).