Arizona Woodpecker

Arizona Woodpecker / Dryobates arizonae

Arizona Woodpecker

Here the details of the Arizona Woodpecker named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dryobates arizonae
Protonym:  Picus arizonae Ibis p.115
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ariwoo
Type Locality:  Santa Rita Mts., Arizona.
Publish Year:  1886
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ Downy Woodpecker D. pubescens) Gr. δρυς drus, δρυος druos  tree; βατης batēs  walker  < βατεω bateō  to tread  < βαινω bainō  to walk; "XXIX. Fam. Picidae  ...  Dryobates: Picus pubescens Gm. u. s. w." (Boie 1826); “In the 1st edition of the List and in the Cat. Birds B. M. the generic name Dendrocopus is used. This was first introduced by Koch [Dendrocopos 1816] ...  for the Spotted Woodpeckers. The same name, however, had previously been used by Vieillot [1816] ...  The type of Vieillot’s Dendrocopus is either “le Picucule” or “le Talapiot” of Daubenton, now known respectively as Dendrocolaptes certhia (Bodd.) and Dendroplex picus (Gmel.), both of which belong to the family Dendrocolaptidae. Dendrocopus cannot therefore be used for the Spotted Woodpeckers.” (BOU 1915); "Dryobates Boie, Isis von Oken, 1826, Bd. 2, col. 977. Type, by monotypy, Picus pubescens Linné." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 180).
Synon. Hyloscopus.

Gr. δρυς drus, δρυος druos  tree; βατης batēs  walker  < βατεω bateō  to tread  < βαινω bainō  to walk.

arizonae / arizonensis
Arizona, USA.


Arizona Woodpecker (arizonae)
SCI Name: Dryobates arizonae arizonae
arizonae / arizonensis
Arizona, USA.

Arizona Woodpecker (fraterculus)
SCI Name: Dryobates arizonae fraterculus
fratercula / fraterculus
L. fraterculus  little brother (i.e. smaller than, related or allied to)  < dim. frater  brother.
● "Acrocephalus cinnamomeus fraterculus, subsp. nov.  ...  Differs from nominate cinnamomeus in being colder and darker brown over the vertex (Mummy Brown (pl. xv), with slightly paler fringes to the feathers, as against ochraceous Saccardo's Umber)" (Clancey 1975) (syn. Acrocephalus scirpaceus suahelicus).
● "ALCIPPE FRATERCULA, n. sp.   A. similis A. nipalensi, sed major et ubique saturatior, pileo schistaceo nec vinascenti-cineraceo, fasciis pilei lateralis ad latera colli productis, nigris" (Rippon 1900) (subsp. Alcippe morrisoniana).
● "AMMOMANES FRATERCULUS, nov. sp.., mihi.  Ab A. isabellina differt statura minore, rostro brevissimo et tenui et gula isabellina nec albida." (Tristram 1864) (syn. Ammomanes deserti).
● "Auriparus flaviceps fraterculus subsp. nov.  ...  Decidedly smaller and yellow of head very much brighter (more orange) and more extensively yellow than either A. f. flaviceps or A. f. ornatus, in both of these respects very similar to A. f. lamprocephalus" (Van Rossem 1930) (syn. Auriparus flaviceps).
● "BRADYPTERUS BABÆCULUS FRATERCULUS, new subspecies.   Escarpment Reed-Warbler.  ...  Most closely resembling Bradypterus babæculus babæculus (Vieillot), but darker brown above and less spotted below." (Mearns 1913) (syn. Bradypterus centralis elgonensis).
● "Henicopernis longicauda fraterculus subsp. nov.  ...  Wir glauben daher, eine Japen-Rasse abtrennen zu dürfen, die sich durch kleinen Wuchs auszeichnet." (Rothschild et al. 1932) (syn. Henicopernis longicauda).
● "398. D. arizonæ (HARGITT).  Arizona Woodpecker.   b². Smaller: Length 6.25, wing 4.10, tail. 2.60, exposed culmen .78.  Hab. South-western Mexico (Sierra Madre of Colima).   D. arizonæ fraterculus RIDGW.  Colima Woodpecker." (Ridgway 1887) (subsp. Leuconotopicus arizonae).
● "Onychorhynchus mexicanus fraterculus subsp. nov.  ...  It (the new form) is like true O. mexicanus in color and color pattern, but is very much smaller, with proportionally larger bill (actually, about the same width and but little shorter)." (Bangs 1902) (subsp. Onychorhynchus mexicanus).
● "PERICROCOTUS FRATERCULUS, sp. n.   This brightly coloured Minivet is a resident in Hainan, and found in all the woody parts of the island.  It is a diminutive of P. speciosus (Lath.), but is much smaller, with smaller and less-hooked bill.  The males of the two races do not appear to differ in colour; but the female of the lesser bird is much brighter-coloured, with the front band bright yellow." (Swinhoe 1870) (subsp. Pericrocotus flammeus).
● "PHÆTHORNIS ADOLPHEI FRATERCULUS, subsp. nov.  Brown Pigmy Humming-bird.  ...  Close to P. a. saturatus of western Panama and Costa Rica but distinctly darker above and below, crown more sooty brownish, upper tail coverts darker and more chestnut and light tips of tail feathers narrower." (Nelson 1912) (syn. Phaethornis striigularis saturatus).
● "Thamnophilus doliatus fraterculus subsp. nov.  ...  Th. ♂ a mari L. doliatus dicti differt plumis pilei albis latius nigro terminatis, vittis nigris in corpore inferiore multo angustioribus, necnon vittis albis in rectricibus latioribus, potius maculiformibus nec linearibus." (von Berlepsch & Hartert 1902) (syn. Thamnophilus doliatus).