Kelp Goose

Kelp Goose / Chloephaga hybrida

Kelp Goose

Here the details of the Kelp Goose named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chloephaga hybrida
Protonym:  Anas Hybrida SaggioStoriaNat.Chile p.241,344
Taxonomy:  Anseriformes / Anatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  kelgoo1
Type Locality:  Chiloe Island.
Publish Year:  1782
IUCN Status:  


(Anatidae; Ϯ Magellan Goose C. picta leucoptera) Gr. χλοη khloē  young green grass; -φαγος -phagos  -eating  < φαγειν phagein  to eat (cf. Late Gr. χλοηφαγος khloēphagos  eating grass); "GENUS II. CHLOEPHAGA.   EXT. CHAR.  Pedes robusti. Digitis posterioribus mediocribus, unguibus incurvatis instructis. Membrana inter digitos anterius concavatis. Tarsi robusti longi. Rostrum robustum, culmine vix arcuatum, ungue magna instructa. Nares lineares in medio rostri positæ. Lamellæ parvæ antice obliteratæ.  ANAT. CHAR. Trachea bulbo uno latere osseo.  ...  TYPE. Chloephaga Magellanica.   Affinities. The above genus we have formed on Bernicla Magellanica, which bird in outward form appears to make a link between the genera Bernicla and Cereopsis, and internally, as far as regards the trachea, presents an affinity to the Anatinæ." (Eyton 1838); "Chloëphaga Eyton, Monogr. Anat., 1838, p. 13. Type, by original designation, Anas magellanica Gmelin = Anas leucoptera Gmelin." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 151).
Var. Chloepaga, Chloophaga.
Synon. Andichenodes, Chloetrophus, FoetopterusOressochen, Taenidiestes.

hybrida / hybridum / hybridus
L. hybrida or hibrida  hybrid  ?< Gr. ὑβριζω hubrizō  to be licentious.
● “STERNA hybrida.  ...  Diceres e St. fidipede et Hirundine [= Sterna hirundo] natam” (Pallas 1811) (NB. Sterna fissipes Linnaeus, 1766 = Chlidonias niger; Sterna fissipes Pallas, 1811 = Chlidonias leucopterus) (Chlidonias).
● “Il Cage  ...  In vista di tale diversita ho dato a questa specie l’epiteto d’Ibrida, o sia mulatta, come proveniente da un bianco, e da una negra” (Molina 1782) (Chloephaga).
● ex “Tordo negro y vario” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 71 (syn. Chrysomus cyanopus).
● ex “Fasanhühner” of Frisch 1763, “Coquar” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Pied Pheasant” of Hayes 1775 (Phasianus x).


Kelp Goose (hybrida)
SCI Name: Chloephaga hybrida hybrida
hybrida / hybridum / hybridus
L. hybrida or hibrida  hybrid  ?< Gr. ὑβριζω hubrizō  to be licentious.
● “STERNA hybrida.  ...  Diceres e St. fidipede et Hirundine [= Sterna hirundo] natam” (Pallas 1811) (NB. Sterna fissipes Linnaeus, 1766 = Chlidonias niger; Sterna fissipes Pallas, 1811 = Chlidonias leucopterus) (Chlidonias).
● “Il Cage  ...  In vista di tale diversita ho dato a questa specie l’epiteto d’Ibrida, o sia mulatta, come proveniente da un bianco, e da una negra” (Molina 1782) (Chloephaga).
● ex “Tordo negro y vario” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 71 (syn. Chrysomus cyanopus).
● ex “Fasanhühner” of Frisch 1763, “Coquar” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Pied Pheasant” of Hayes 1775 (Phasianus x).

Kelp Goose (malvinarum)
SCI Name: Chloephaga hybrida malvinarum
Mod. L. Malvinarum of the Falkland Is. < Spanish name Islas Malvinas for the islands.